This second week in the extended reign of The Dinky Duke began with a locked keyboard, but back-up is always at hand and the launch was not affected to any significant degree. Using a theme based on...
[Dinky's PC has locked] For those of you who took part in Week 1, 'The Dinky Duke'welcomes you back. I am glad that you have decided to join me again for another session of word association.
We are on the brink of the second week in the reign of The Dinky Duke and he is promising to be a little more generous with the points this time around. He has been preparing well in advance, since...
Is there anybody there? In case Steff is still struggling with the air waves, I'll stick my neck out with what is a far-from-obvious set of links. HILL fairy (or fairy HILL) LOUNGE lizard Blind SHRIMP...
This first week (of five) in the extended reign of The Dinky Duke was absolutely perfect, although it did not prove a week with high scores. Opening with a theme based on Reward for the Hard-working...
Welcome to you all from 'The Dinky Duke'. I have been bestowed with the honour of setting the Link words throughout the month of June (even though , technically, today is still in May). I wish you...
Good morning one and all - I'm getting an early start just in case - in case what, you might well ask !! Ooooo, I hate change !! I must be getting very old and set in my ways because this new fangled...
This will be the first week in the reign of The Dinky Duke and I am looking forward to learning more of the incoming Champion. As always, he has taken on the task of setting the links with all the...
Please give me the answer to 31a, The refuse of olives, grapes and other fruits after they have been pressed to make wine or juice, *A*C. Thanks in advance!
Good Morning to all you Linkers. This is Lady Judy (aka JMR27) with my final set of words to be linked. It's hard to believe that my short reign is at an end. Over the last few weeks I have gained the...
Good Morning all. Once again this is gen2 standing in for seekeerz from down under. The latest news I have is that Steff was expecting delivery of her new computer yesterday and right now she should...
Good Evening AB Linkers, everywhere! Welcome to this final week in the reign of Lady Judy, who has done exceptionally well for a person who couldn't "Cut and Paste" a few weeks ago! I tell you this in...
This third week in the reign of Lady Judy went perfectly once again, with the added bonus of latent poetic talent. Based on the theme Wizard of Oz , it was possible to recognise the acting ability of...
Good Morning to all you Linkers. This is Lady Judy (aka JMR27) with my third set of words to be linked. It's hard to believe that there's only one more week to go. As you may have guessed, I am keen...