help needed!! i cant save money!!! for the life of me!! any ideas on how i might beable to save money without spending it all the time!! and dont say the bank co siv tried that !! this is a genuine...
what accents / sayings do u say? that no other town/county says ? e.g rugeleyboy pointed out earlier stokeys (where im from) say! cheps instead of chips which is very true! got some cheps wrapped up...
a couple of nights ago i was lying in bed, and all of a sudden i got cramp in my calf and it hurt so bad i was nearly crying, my muscle was sticking out like id been training for a bloody year. now iv...
following from the post earlier !work!. i feel like i hate evryone around me im miserable and so fed up with life! as i said my job is getting me down - but i dont no if it iss just the job or other...
hi guys, just a quick one im feeling really down at the moment at work, but i feel there is no way i can get out of it. i will be starting a training course (accountancy) which my work are paying for...
if u could be anywhere else right now where would it be??? id either like to be cuddled up in bed watching dvds all day or sunbathing in the meditteranean! ahhhh