I would like to buy a gift for an (older) couple who have just finished the somewhat lengthy process of restoring a beautiful Chapel and are moving in in a few weeks time. I do not want to go down the...
i wont see my fiance's daughters till next weekend i pick them up late on a friday so all shops will be close and he's home all day sat and sun, i'm going shopping tomorrow but havent a clue what to...
Just watched the show where about 6 females chased Ziggy around the house trying to get his shorts off. Females attacking men is just seen as larking about. If 6 blokes had chased a female round the...
What a liar! I have Sky+ and rewind last nights show to see if she did say Chanelle has a game plan. And you know what..... Thats exactly what she said. Good on that Ziggy fella, I don't blame him for...
Horrible Kety. Gets to take the moral high ground. And one of them poor sods goes through on default. I bet this was her game plan from the off. Who would get that far on in the competition and not...
Anyone know who did a dance song in 1998 that sampled the hit Que Sera Ma Vida by the Gibson Brothers, a disco hit back in the 70's that was on the Studio 54 soundtrack?
After various stomach problems i'm looking into the possibility of being lactose intolerant. I'm cutting it out of my diet for a couple of weeks to be sure before I go to my doc. I ended up in...
I've just recently discovered that a guy I've known for nearly 4years has fancied me and I quote "the first night we met" Now I find myself thinking bout him ALL the time. The only problem is he's a...
i'm due to leave my job soon to go travelling, any ideas on what i can buy my colleagues (3people) to show i had a great time whilst I've been working here? what have you given to people when you've...
it is my mother in laws birthday next week i want to get her something nice but i dont no what every year i send her flowers and im getting bored of it so i can imagine she is any ideas please ?
Hi,i`m struggling with my family tree on my Dads side.My Grandad was Frederick Gibbs and he married Rose Field,but she was his second wife.I need to find out who his first wife was and any children...
I've recently started to try & trace my fathers family. We know absolutley nothing about them, as dad very rarely spoke about them, the only thing we know is he had a sister who died of TB while very...
My husbands maternal great grandfather was a solider. I know his name but dont know where or when he was born. I know he was in either the Royal Irish Fusiliers or the Royal Scots Fusiliers. Does...
I watched the Apprentice all the way through for the first time last night and must say it made me cringe. I wouldn't trust any of them to manage making a cup of tea never mind anything else. How on...
Should I have a few sunbed sessions to try and get rid of my mild eczema? I don't like the idea of using a sunbed as I don't want to damage my skin, but I find sunlight has always worked well in the...