What is going on? - the substance of the Todays Poll appears to be 'based' on 'suspect' BBC reporting ..... {An epic saga in three chapters, follows}! .......
Hi guys, With regards to todays poll: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7665793.stm What do you think? Are the alcohol companies fighting a battle they can't win? Should they just roll-over and play ball?...
I have already emaiked other comments ... but, accept that any reply is caught up in the log-jam that is AB Towers Re Ed chats - Seem to have started off with the friendly banter approach .... sounds...
6 Strip for example - Get off (6) 4 Sort as in sort (8) 9 light building brick Has anyone else found this quiz "challenging? Any helpwoulf be aooreciated. I now have answers for all the others but not...
Can anyone give an exact location for Up In the Air clues 18 30 73 and 96 Questions in one batch by Green Sal on Sat 27/09/08 at 1324. They seem to have gone missing Thanks
completed, but would like a couple of explanations - 38) Got the answer, but can find no online reference to 'misnamed by David Livingstone'? Can an aber clarify what the above words in the clue are...
Any suggestions please for 11a Limehouse or Puseyite, for example (5,4) N???Y ?O?? 13a Forty bundles of hay (6) ?E?P?E 25a Punish first and try afterwards (7,3) L?????D ?A? 43a Form a plot for doing...
23D Put in confinement (3,2,3,5) S?T ?Y THE H?E?S Am also confused on 3D .I thought this was Day Nettle (A stingless species of Lamium ) but it won't fit with the intersecting clue -Nonce Word ....
1) At which Scottish prison did riots take place in 1979 2) In which TV soap did Joe McFadden start his career 3) Wich British Open winner had the same name as a Scottish explorer
I am struggling with the last three in a quiz. I have posted before but got nothing definite so will try the night shift. I am sure there are some of you still out there, 1 - Which animal has the...
18d 1950-60s name for a small motor vehicle with three wheels 20d public announcement in church 3 successive sundays in church declaring imminent marriage many thanks
There weren't many people around when I last posted this, so again - The Guardian Crossword Club will be free from September http://www.guardian.co.uk/crossword/subscribe A recent email form them also...