Hello! I am trying to track reflective tape using a camera and some lights. Lights must have an angle of 60 degrees or greater, be colored, and require as little power as possible. Ill be tracking...
OK,so this guy i grew up with and we've both liked each other since we were kids,yesterday at mid nite he im me on Facebook and gave me his number,this is what he said:here's my number if u ever wanna...
I must go to the Synchronet src\sbbs3 directory and run make in the command prompt but haven't a clue how. Im afraid my google skills have fallen through D:
you are having a conversation, and stop dead, because for whatever reason the word that you need won't come to mind, no matter how hard you rack your brain. I did it this morning and for the life of...
Hey, me and a girl just found out we like eachother. We need to let it go though cause she's going away to college while I am still in HS (Im a little younger) She said there's a a lot she wants to...
int keyI = 0;
while (keyI == 0)
keyI = getc(stdin);
For some reason this just returns 10 without running the loop to let me press anything. Does anyone have a solution?...
http://www.independen...exuality-2296475.html Oh dear, oh dear, perhaps there should be a march for 'DRUNKS' say? They could carry boards saying 'DRUNK', 'ALCOHOLIC' etc. They should feel free to...
Just recently when I google an image the first line of images only is shown. It used to show the full pages but now can't see them. Is this something to do with Firefox blocking them and, if so, how...
The program can't start because pdcurses.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem. I wrote the program and have no idea how to fix this. I think I need to...
My 6 year old asked me why she had brown hair and her little sister had blonde hair. She is quite a bright little girl so I explained briefly about dna and that her great grandma had blonde hair. When...
Posted a thread earlier about a bably Blackbird on Animals and Nature, to cut a long story short, a cat had raided the nest, and I had saved one chick, but it hopped out of the nest and I couldn't...
Well me and my bf have been going out for almost two months and today he messaged me on facebook saying he thinks we should break up and he feels bad because its over facebook, and then I asked him...