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The Sherman

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anotheoldgit 2/French-immigration-minister-pours-scorn-UK-c laims-plan-halt-migrants-Calais.html Britain is willing to help pay for and run the camp, Mr Woolas said,...
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chinadog 7/Asian-postmaster-takes-immigration-stand-ban ning-customers-speak-English.html
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At last we can see the awful effect of Brown's period as chancellor. "UK recesson will last longer" (than other countries) ! I remember people on here a few years ago saying what a great job he was...
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anotheoldgit /price-of-drinks-may-double-1645480.html Will charging extra for drinks really curb binge-drinking? I don't think so, they will still pay up no matter...
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A few years ago I was actually feeling sorry for the old Muzzies, you know old Slobadan and co with their ethnic cleansing well I tell you what, we need the kin Serbs now don't we? Kin treacherous J...
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I know they have a bad past, and still have a few member you wouldn't want to bump into in a dark alley, but does anyone else feel that if you wrote down every parties poilicies and didn't know what...
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Out after 16 days. Justice been done or because of who he is?
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I bet I'm not alone here, I was one of the "lucky" generation who haven't witnessed war but the way things are going in my countryy I fear for my grandchildren from the enemy within, What has happened...
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Given that the latest slaughter in America (Alabama) has claimed at least 10 lives, is it right that access to firearms there should be as simple and easy as buying a loaf of bread in the UK? Or are...
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anotheoldgit 479/The-Government-stop-blaming-pushy-parents- start-pushing-better-schools-everyone.html What is the solution to this school placement lottery, by post...
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Last year, Mumbai, this week Lahore. Who's next, since we have our own home grown factions already here, should we now be concerned, if not why not?
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anotheoldgit eath-toll-rises-to-75-as-mutiny-sparks-crisis- in-bangladesh-1634745.html It is inconceivable that anything like this could ever happen among the ranks...
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The Sherman
You know all those mediums who claim they can talk to the dead and things? They say "oh i'm getting someone i think there called John or Mary" Why not take them to somewhere like south Africa or Korea...
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Does anyone know who said "If you are wrong about sin, you are wrong about everything". That is one heck of a statement - think about it.
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The Sherman
Hi Everyone am off to paris on Saturday and returning Monday and going to the Beavais airport. Didnt realise how far away it was and was wondering how long before my flight i should get a bus to the...
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According to the BBC News,8 Atheists are on trial accused of planning suicide bombing attacks on British Aeroplanes. Will we ever escape from these mad men ?
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The Sherman
This page is so full of spiteful hate towards people on benefits and so quick to try and pull the plug on said benefits! What I want to know is how they could possibly want to let people go without...
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Not being wordly wise, can anyone tell me what Ecstasy actually is, and what was its original use, i.e. is it used to treat anything? Who decided it was a good idea to take it if you have not got...
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anotheoldgit 3/Scots-council-tax-frozen-rates-England-rise. html The Scots already get free eye care and dental check-ups, free access to cancer drugs and free care...
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Councils and public bodies are to be able to access all email, telephone and internet records, sparking new fears over the surveillance state. Towns halls, along with police, security services and...

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