Just watching TV with Mrs T and felt damp. I had wet myself. Had to go bathroom, get washed and change clothes. So embarrassed. No warning, no feeling. Never happened before. Feel like crawling under...
In answer to the big questions, the origin of the universe, the origin of life, what is your opinion, and what evidence to you have to satisfy your opinions?
When I ask a question, with past experience, I fully expect comments like the following:- "Yawn." "Here we go again." "You've been told before." "This is not a cinema." "Bored already." "Chapter and...
In my opinion, only hanging murderers will make us safe from knife wielding thugs. Two dead and two injured in Milton Keynes and one dead in Scarborough yesterday. Hardly a day goes by without another...
In our usual spirit of mutual respect and friendliness, would you like to address the whole, "God Question?"
Is there a God? Proof?
There is no God? "Proof?"
Any general comments?...
After suffering from shingles fairly recently, I still get some pain, and an itching burning feeling that comes and goes. My GP prescribes Gabapentin, two, three times a day. I would like to know if...
After some headaches, decided to go for eye test, first in four years. Optician said no change in my normal vision but needed new reading glasses. 8 plus for left eye, can't remember the right. Since...
If God revealed Himself with unequivocal evidence of His existence, would you recognise Him and worship Him on account of fear, or on account of love?
Think carefully before answering. Please....
Volunteers and nominations for the AB Big Top Circus please? We need jugglers who can juggle four arguments at once, lots of clowns, and fiery dart throwers and any other acts you can think of....
We need musicians and singers. I shall play the harp, and ask Naomi to play the empty wine bottles when she has emptied them. We need a teeth gnasher, a hand ringer, several loud voices, and anything...
Recent hospital visit to oxygen dept in one hospital. Last visit took one look at me and sent me to another hospital A&E. Kept in four days. More recent visit to oxygen therapy, sent home because...
I think the media collectively tries to brainwash us to their own agenda. We should be entertained, educated, and given thought provoking content. Instead we are grist to the mill, in my humble...
Two of my five sons never spoke for about a year, but made up in June. Now fell out again, so bitter and insulting. My wife and I have been dragged in to the argument. My Christian beliefs give me...