Some years ago my husband and I set up an Enduring Power of Attorney. With each other acting for each other plus 2 other persons, for when either of us be left. Since that time my husband has... ...
Does any one know of or experience of difficulty reaching to close a car boot? I have a relative, very short with a permanent wrist disability. It's become exceptionally difficult to reach up and... ...
Can anyone tell me where I can find my ip address. Please. Prob simple to most but I can't find it..prob because I don't know where to look. Old age !!
Hi, I've set up a new printer on my android phone. Can anyone tell me how I also set my Galaxy Tablet to print from same printer please. I was able to use both on my old printer but it's a few... ...
Hello, my toilet cistern needs a new ball cock. How much should I expect to pay a plumber to do this please. . I've no idea on these things and elderly lady living alive, I don't want to get ripped... ...
I have both Power of Atorney and Will in place. The Will I remade/updated after my husband passed passed away 2½ yrs ago. The Power of Atorney was joint and made at least 15 yrs ago. One of the... ...
Hi, I'm hoping for advice please. I've very recently got new hearing aids with Bluetooth. It's paired with all my Bluetooth appliances. I've a new TV..a surprise gift when my old TV stopped... ...
Can anyone help me please. For the first time since being a pensioner I have to pay tax.. I have a letter informing me 'your Simple Assessment Tax Calculation'. I've just been online to my banking... ...
I. Out of touch what younger people want or need regarding gifts for big birthdays. I have both male and female turning 40 in a few months. Any suggestions or ideas going, please. I've also a... ...
For the first time I'm booked for a home eye test. I'm assuming changing new specs is a daunting business, possibly done virtually? I'm not looking forward to doing that as I've tried that online,... ...
Not something I have done before but last night I made a very small donation to a Go Fund Me appeal. I genuinely am so sad that it's needed. A heart breaking situation. However I was appalled to... ...
Hello, my bedside light is a small screw in type but not bright enough for me to read by. I'd like the equivalent of the old 100 watt bulb. Can anyone advise the nearest LED screw in bulb I need.... ...
I was watching YouTube video earlier. Went to the kitchen to find it was switched off. Black screen on my return . Usually the standby switch is on at all times. I've tried removing the plug a... ...
Problems on my Samsung galaxy of my Gmail accounts has stopped syncing since 22nd September. I've been into settings where the sync box it ticked..other accounts working o but not my... ...
Last April after the rise in State Pension it was apparent I had slipped into the tax payer bracket. A few weeks after the raise I rang the Pension Service to ask when or how was this tax taken..... ...
I frequently use my Samsung tablet and phone in my bedroom but I lose the signal occasionally. I live in a amall apartment so rooms pretty close to each other. My wifi hub is in my sitting room.... ...
I'm in a muddle. I have hotmail Gmail and BT emails.. non are wworking.ive been days trying to recover the hotmail email but now I can't sign into any of them without a password..I've tried over... ...
A short conversation with a female friend this pm... we had seen someone post a picture on Facebook of over a dozen pr of men's pants hanging out to dry...friend in her 50s has an adult son and... ...