How smart is your foot? This is so funny that is will boggle your mind and you will keep trying it at least 50 more times to see if you can out smart your foot. But you cant!!! 1. While sitting at...
I have a 20 ish foot tree at the bottom of our garden. It is against a wall and very close to a shed & pond. It is also a back-to-back house with bad access. How much would you expect to pay?
I keep seeing trees with really nice pick blossom on it. They seem to be everywhere in Essex. Does anyone know the name of the tree? It would be nic e to get one in our garden which hasn't got a lot...
My brass colour taps have gone a nasty blacky greeny colour and I can't get them to look nice and clean again -- and as for the plug hole - yuk!! Any ideas on getting them a gold colour again?
My wife gave our Japanese Cherry a severe pruning last autumn and it hasnt shown any sign of flowering yet. Is it too early or could she have caused some irreperable damage ?
I have got some small plug plants in the greenhouse, and I have got a parrafin heater which put on at night, But i notice that some of the tops of the plants are going brown, can anyone tell me the...
Our new house is a victorian terrace with a beautiful mature garden and I don't want to be faced in a few months time with a few bunches of brown twigs! There are some rose bushes and two forsythia...
I planted some young jasmine plants in a pot and kept it on a window sill over the winter. They have grown very well, is it OK to put them outside now?
Hi, i am an ok gardner, eg hanging baskets, house plants, tubs, containers and things people give me/are already there etc, but, I have a piece of rough land behind the back fence of my house which is...
In the local park where I take my dog for a walk there are houses backed up to the park so their gardens face the park and there is a concrete wall between the gardens and the park. There's this one...