Hey bro If you need to talk im here to listen, same goes for nephew, I know i've got problems myself but i think i'm a good listener, I'm here 4 u bro. anytime. and i mean ANYTIME. If you want my...
Picked by my parents in their allotment this morning. http://mysite.orange.co.uk/very-vinyl/Carrot_2 .jpg?0.3420847596757661 no question, just wanted to share it.
I have been here just about two weeks and tonight i have seen another Dizzieblonde who must have been here a bit. will I get in trouble? I am not trying to copy anyone else I just used this name....
After a recent discussion with my girlfriend, can any one tell me if she works nights should she put her day cream on at night and her night cream on in the day? Or should she put them on as normal?
What are the distinctions between honey and sugar...both are sweet ....will both make u fat if u overindulge? How can I include honey into a healthy lifestyle?
Hmmm, was on my way back from Swindon this morning, and got stuck in miles of traffic, and it got me thinking,I wonder how many of the drivers'passengers were Abers lol ! Its amazing the looks one...