Evening all, I'm probably going to upset some folks with this thread, but it's something that I feel quite strongly about. Do you think that if someone murders a person and is found 100% guilty of it...
what do single, unattached men look for in a woman? I'm after trueful answers - so do you like shyness for example, but rudeness or hearing a woman swearing turns you off. If you overheard a girl...
i'm 33 and don't want them and never have but my friends keep going on at me and saying i'll change my mind some day, which really annoys me, just because i'm female doesn't mean i want kids, anyone...
did everyone have a good weekend? i flew back from 2 weeks in Ibiza on saturday, what a great 2 weeks - now back to work today and its boring the pants off me as no one is calling cos its an english...
I've got a new boyfriend, and I need some sexy underwear! (something padded would be good!!) What sort of thing is sexy to sleep in? men- thats where I need your opinions!! I'm only 20, so dont want...
Me and zeus were texting yesterday and he asked me a few questions. I have no credit so will answer them here. No I will not hump you (hump?) No you cannot have a link to the video of me and my ex...
On the night the soldiers party before being sent to 'Nam one of them can be heard murdering a classic song. My question is, what's the song? I know I know it! Something like - "Hold me, ???? me, in...
Its a long story, but i've had tonsilitus on and off for a year and a half, recently i've had real problems swollowing my food, not through pain but because i keep chokin, i've had medicine after...
We have a Sony tv with a silver case / cabinet. Unfortunately my wife smokes (in excess) and the casing has started to discolour. The handbook recommends cleaning with a damp cloth and not use...
If you could cook a meal for any three people, alive or dead, from history, or today, who would you invite to your dinner party? I'd go for Winston Churchill, Jeremy Clarkson and Florence Nightingale.
I know it's purely personal choice, but are there any better spuds than Maris Pipers to roast (taste and result wise)? Tried King Edwards but I don't think they're as tasty.
So, what are all of you doing on this Bank Holiday Sunday?? I am counting Money that I helped to raise for a Charity, it's so boring counting Money. You wouldn't think so but it is!!!! So, tell me...