Are coffins for adults a standard size? If so, how does the undertaker stop a short than standard body from moving about inside the coffin when it's being taken out of the hearse etc.?
recently i had my hair cut - was very long, now just past my shoulders - and now have slight layering round my face. i like the cut, but i'm confused as to why strands of my shorter hair are now very...
at the top of my legs both legs touch each other what exercise can i do to have legs that don't touch- and how long will it take to achieve my goal? plz help
i am 14 and there is this boy i fancy who is 16- i know him because he is in the same band that i am in. not that long ago we went on a band trip and he was tickling me and things like that - was he...
Can anyone think of straightforward, simple invention that everyone will find useful and want, which is also cheap and easy to mass-produce? If so, let me know so I can patent it, sell it and become a...
Can anyone help, as I have a combi boiler and my pilot light does not stay a light for no more than 1 minute on my central heating. It is fine on hot water side.
I'm a 13 (14 in november) and i weigh 10stone and i am 5,5, i don't know if i'm fat or not, i wear size 10 clothes (english size 10) but in some shops clothes which don't fit me, make me feel really...
I'm really blonde about stuff like this so please bear with me. My golf (mk 4, 1.6) is bleeping and it's the coolant (managed to read book), have bought some but it's saying all this weird stuff about...