buenchico a.k.a. Chris has consistently helped and advised many people for many years on this site. He patiently replies to each entrants to the weekend quiz he links to. He will look up technical or...
If AB had a 'theme tune alert' function in latest posts for the latest ABer to post, what suggestions could you come up with? Myself...Losing My Religion (R.E.M.) Sqad...Doctor Doctor (The Thompson...
I read somewhere that some folk seem to think that Cliff Richards is trying to look young again, I'm not sure in what way he could do this. He dresses normally, smart, no hair colour, no sign of a...
Is this government spending EXTRA billions on defence when the biggest war we're fighting at the moment is Covid? Complete madness.
What's your favourite Christmas song ?
I think mine is Last Christmas , I love George Michael ,he was such a talented man sadly passing away on Christmas Day...
DIL Has had outpatient appt / potential op’ postponed due to covid. She’s glad (it’s not a major op obv) as says she was worried about catching covid in hosp I kinda figure that hospitals are prob...
An Aldi one was posted through my door today and there's lots of party food in it. I guess they were hopeful of a covid free Xmas and NYE when going to print but it's looking less likely there will be...
And how muncher does it differ throughout the UK, LIKE Zn.Ireland , Scotland and Wales as well as England, how different is it in the North to the South for example? Like APG has said in Tiggs thread,...
I just had to turn down my daughter's invite to stay with them. I'd already decided that I'm better off not moving from tier 1 to tier 2...not that I could even if I wanted to after Thursday. But...
I've tried tome fudge many times, many diff recipes - never got it right. The fudge im after is the "crumbly" textured sort. Not the chewier soft one thats more common. It's South African type fudge...
Yes we have a pandemic of coronavirus but perhaps this has been mentioned - but I have said this before and I will say it again. There will be a pandemic of suicides in the near future. Just watched...
I used to snore quite badly even as a child but this stopped after I had a tonsillectomy a few years back! I am 6 & 1/2 months pregnant and the snoring is back with a vengance when I manage a sleep! I...
After someone I know recently died without leaving a will or written instructions on what they would and would not like regarding funeral arrangements it got me thinking, although I dont own anything...
Last week, I found a tick embedded into the skin just below my clavicle. I removed the tick with a tick removal gadget and washed the area well with disinfectant soap. I applied tea tree cream and...