Engine change pre qualifying, 2 double stack pit stops, brilliant tyre change under the SC. How to take it to Merc and Ferrari. Normally a Hamilton supporter I can appreciate what they did today....
I hope he tans their Aprils for this disgusting breach of privacy and their collusion with the police. If the license fee goes Up I'll be glad to pay it....
6 is not too bad but our anti British friends denigrate us daily so should we try and move ourselves up? At least to above France ?...
It's come up a few times of late that for example Gary Barlow hasn't washed his hair for 10 years etc.Now I know that apparently after a few months it gets back as nature intended by use of the body's...
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-43645676 I see the Olivers are giving it a go but a lot of older people are struggling. Oddly enough I only use cash in places like bars and cafes etc but it would...
His own record is not exactly exemplary in this area....
I had a reminder for an MOT which was done about a fortnight ago but the AA app has yet to update itself. Do I have to do something? I have googled but as usual you find everything except what you...
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-politics-43644956/sir-vince-cable-launches-the-lib-dems-english-local-election-campaign TBH with the cack that Agent Cob and the boys find themselves in at the mo he...
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-43624328 Someone please explain, leaving aside the sharing of data side of this for a minute, why does a dating app ask the client to register it's HIV status and...
https://news.sky.com/story/momentum-admits-anti-semitism-is-a-bigger-problem-in-labour-than-it-realised-11314572 they even admit that: "Accusations of anti-Semitism should not and cannot be dismissed...
...NOT more, 10 plagues of Egypt type predictions if we don't. I'm talking about things they should have used during the referendum instead of totally negative campaigning. Thanks
Clearly they are not openly using the traditional tyrannical methods but I assert that the imposition of arbitrary rules and a an unstoppable march to federalism by an unelected corrupt entity does...
https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/939562/Jeremy-Corbyn-Labour-Party-Tony-Blair-anti-Semitism-BBC-news-latest If a past Leader and PM is saying these things, with plod starting to investigate,...
https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2018/mar/31/labour-jewish-donor-michael-garrard-quits-party-antisemitism TBH with Labours level of hatred of Jews I am surprised they took his £1.5m in the first...