At first sight it's clearly offside but the blue and yellow lines, not only are not straight, they are not parallel to the goal line. The 18 yd box one is...
one girl left £5k against the beast, he let her name her own offer, she asked for £100k, he gave it, she took the 5 instead, then romped home with £5k. Then got 17 in the final chase and the beast... "One day in August 1995 a man called Foutanga Babani Sissoko walked into the head office of the Dubai Islamic Bank and asked for a loan to buy a car." - why... "The move was spearheaded by the leader of the Freedom Party, Austria's Vice Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache, himself a smoker, who told parliament... These are the words of the judge: "You were on early release from a crime of serious assault. "You are assessed as a violent, high risk... Why don't they just spray the fields with a herbicide? I assume it's because the Mexican government... ridiculously silly measurement in my opinion, surely body fat percentage is a much more... You seem to have missed this question. Helpfully I have provided a link. Can you tell us how Labour is going to re nationalise everything...
Good idea but surely we can't recycle what we have now, this will only increase the problem unless we build our own recycling plants....