It seems that the EUphiles cannot bear the truth and have to resort to their usual name calling. Ok you can call me a swivel eyed knuckle dragging little... Sub 62 min half after runnig a half! Please. At his pace he cut miles off. What the point of... Ok I know it's the whole sky but what's what? there should be 2 hemispheres how is it laid out? I which is the bit where the pole star is for...
I'm not sure myself, clearly he's a talented surgeon and his services are needed but his "prank" was a bit out of order....
Ok I know I'm going to be called a knuckle dragging islamaphobe but is this not the sort of thing that we should be concerned about?... Would Scottish independence have any noticable effect on the wider world? I think his Lordship may be over estimating Scotlands... Looks to me like we've reached the hard core that are too addicted to give up. I have only ever met a couple of people who don't want to give up, I presume... Most of the civilised world now has some sort of smoking ban, hard to believe it was only 10 years ago, seems like an age. I just find it unimaginable...