I know the noise would do my loaf in but at the same time I sympathise with parents trying look after a crying baby.... “It’s the greatest giveaway of political power that a country has voluntarily ever done.” - err we wrest power over...
Err you could always not email pics of yourself in your smalls to a gay website, just an idea mate! PMSL!...
Won’t you join our Common Market?’ said the spider to the fly, It really is a winner and the cost is not too high’ ‘I know De Gaulle said ’’ Non’’, but he hadn’t got a clue, ‘We... Ok I know about diplomatic immunity etc but that's for diplomats by prior arrangement. So how does it apply to misguided eejits visiting middle eastern tish... On the basis that more or less any sort of health care need can be put down as "self... When most of these would happily give the EU any amount it wants in a "divorce" and spent the last 40 years backing the gift of trillions to an unelected... He though the acid was a date rape drug! PMSL so he through it over the crowd presumably intending to date rape the crowd, right Oh! He should get 5 years... Clearly motoring is so cheap that the masses have personal private transport. Surely it's time to start charging by the mile/time of day for...