If I was in outer space and I threw an object , say an iron ball , would it travel for ever or could it eventually slow down ? I am assuming it is outer empty space therefore there would not be any...
Missing from the Queen's Speech - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/10043571/Queens-Speech-plain-cigarettes-snoopers-charter-gay-marriage-laws-missing.html are the conservatives running scared...
http://uk.reuters.com/article/2013/05/09/uk-europe-britain-cameron-idUKBRE9480DG20130509 why he doesnt really want us to have a referendum. not that it was a secret but it also explains why Ken...
I cannot believe these are the best 16 candidates that applied, one of them actually said, "I have no idea of grammes and litres and all that stuff". I can only assume they are getting on there for...
i live in a house with no drive so have to park on the street each night when i get home from work,but my neighbour that has got 2 cars and a drive that would fit 3 cars feels the need to never use...
A few days ago: David Cameron: UKIP 'A Bunch Of Fruitcakes, Loonies And Closet Racists' https://audioboo.fm/boos/1079562-david-cameron-ukip-a-bunch-of-fruitcakes-loonies-and-closet-racists Today:...
I think everyone new there would be cases similar to this where it seems that the whole idea hasn't been thought through properly. I have sympathy for this woman. Does anyone have any thoughts on...
http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/golf/22379633 We've just had a 14 yo Chinese kid taking part in the Masters golf and now there is a 12 yo playing in a tournament on the European tour. Should there be a...
If the big bang started from a mass of near ' infinite ' density then the mass must have occupied a space. No matter how small that mass was it would still occupy a space. If that is the case then how...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2317744/Benefits-fraudster-claimed-54-000-despite-having-112-000-bank-SPARED-prison.html I think it was the right decision. He has to pay all the money back,...
Credit where it is due and we all here about bad news stories.
Well done, guys
Does he use the title Tremendous Knowledge with a sense of irony? He is always very honest when he admits to not knowing the answer but was he brought into the Eggheads team to make Judith look good?
Many former Conservative voters are so fed up with the Cameron coalition that they will turn to UKIP as the party which comes closest to a traditional Conservative agenda, and a reasoned position on...
And what do they want? The austerity measures are a condition of bail out. What do they think would happen if there was no bailout? Long term I think they would be better off taking the hit and...
Over all the world people are celebrating the Day of the Workers-except the UK because Mrs. Thatcher couldn't stand the Workers having a day for themselves. What do you think ?