For over 50 years living in the UK I have been pronouncing strength as 'strenth'. Recently on BBC 4 I have heard the Open University people saying strength with a hard 'g' between the 'stren' and the...
Personally I think the only way is to reduce benefits to such a level that our own WSC have to work but I don't suppose a labour governement will ever do that.... Could any ABers who were there at the time explain to me why this article has such a...
I have just defected to VM from Sky+, mostly I've got he hang of it but does anyone know how I can start watching a recorded program from a specific point? eg in sky+ you can select a time by pressing...
Not normally one to interfere but I think the civilised world will at some point have to deal with this barbaric regime....
Nick Griffin has been declared a bankrupt but still plans to stand as an MEP. A 1986 act stops bankrupts from standing as an MP but not an MEP. Each member state has its own rules on who can and who...
Can I remortgage with my current bank as my deal is up but I have arrears and one of there offers saves £200 a month so I can put more towards the arreas...
The private members bill to promise a referendum on our pulling out of Europe is 'unlikely' to be ready in time to be in this years programme of bills. If it misses the 28th February deadline, it will... the cabinet papers from the time of the miner's strike are due to be released tomorrow. are there likely to be any surprises? or just confirmation of what was... I've always admired the way the US system ignores human longevity in sentencing. It seems an unexpected side effect of EU meddling that we now are looking at... I have never understood what I call "late" people but surely it cannot be a medical...
British companies are recruiting thousands of Romanian workers to plug gaps in the highly skilled jobs market and fill posts spurned by Britons. As border restrictions are lifted today, UK employers...
Is there no end to the myriad usages of tax payers money in the wastage and proliferation of inane ideas in the NHS. But, seemingly, this... luckily most people dont listen a single word this idiot churns out, still i suppose he knows next stop for him is the dole, oh no...
Hi, I have various personal files on my work computer's C: drive which I would like to delete and ensure no one can restore them after I delete them. I can't download a file-shredding program because...
I downloaded a screen save and now I'm infected with findwide, absolute pain in the arris. Anyway Norton missed it Malaware missed it, and an suggestions online give instructions that I can carry out...