UKIP seem to be more aligned to the beliefs not only of the Mail and Express, than the Conservative Party on Europe, immigration, same sex marriage, the economy - you name it! So why are these papers...
I need an overdraft, i already have one for £250 with Lloyds classic account which i'm in. I want to apply for a higher overdraft to tide me over until i have a few paychecks paid in to stabilize my...
Justice Secretary Chris Grayling said: "I want the arrival in prison for the first time to be an experience that is not one they'd want to repeat."...
It was always my understanding that you couldn't have a murder trial without a body or has this law been changed?...
Someone said there was an incident where a miss was called and the referee had to replace almost all the balls back to where they were which took ages. Does anyway one know which match this was in?
I have been doing some research on the cost of rearing our own meat for our own consumption, I will kill and joint the pig myself but I can still buy it cheaper at Tesco. Clearly the meat will be...
Afternoon, Someone sent us a message about this quite funny e-peition for No.10: "STOP VAT on Morrisons chicken Responsible department: Her Majesty's... Currently the scheme is only being trialed "in Ashton-under-Lyne in Greater Manchester, but will eventually affect nearly six million people". The main...
// Well, I would humbly submit that there are better ways of tackling the Ukip problem, if indeed it is really a problem at all. The rise of Farage and Ukip tells us some interesting and important...
Has anyone here been watching this fella play - he is a bit of a character , isn't he ? Fancy whipping up the crowd into a frenzy of applause . Where does he think he is ? This is snooker , Mr... Leaving aside that I doubt many kids need lessons, why is this being considered as part of the curriculum? I assume in the interest of balance all areas...
Many Mp's have second incomes, have inherited wealth and at the very minimum a very nice pension to fall back on. Yet they have a £5.7m mainly publicly funded hardship fund to fall back on. Its such...
First time post in a long time! I've just been stopped for what the office said was using a mobile or handheld data device. He said that he saw my thumb swipe across the screen. My phone did beep and...