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why is it if you sleep for 8 - 10 hours a night you feel more tired the next day than say if you slept for between 5 and 6 hours
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can anyone tell me where i can get a copy of the cross and the switchblade?  many thanks in advance
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since i saw a play. anyone know of anything worthwhile going on in the northwest?
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...blame your parents for the way you've turned out?
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Anyone here ever ridden a cow? When i was young(er) and more foolish, my brother convinced me it would be a good idea to mount (ahem) his prize Jersey show cow (Flamingo of the Moss was her full...
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tiny tim
In philosophy, what 5 letter word is given to the proposition put forward in the course of an argument, often accompanied by its own proof?
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I've been trying to think of a word to describe a proposition which by its essential nature, proves itself, indeed necessitates itself. I'm not looking for Tautology, Self-Evident, prima facie, or...
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A colleague of mine has recommended "Slippery Elm" for bowel problems - both for my Colitis and for my mothers diaverticulitis (sp?). I'm all for alternative remedies [at present am prescribed...
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Possibly my favourite film ever, but have been roundly slated for loving it: too dark/sinister/depressing, they say. Anyone else a huge fan?
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What is the crack with giving these dance DJ's like FatBoy Useless a title like 'superstar' when all they are doing is playing someone elses music and being all clever by smearing one song into...
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are there any good sites where i can find potted histories and depictions of english kings and queens?
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anyone got any good experiences of using beta-blockers to combat the somatic symptoms of stress? and what about websites offering details of "Coping Strategies" ?
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Apart from the colour, what's the difference between white and brown vinegar? Which is best for which uses?
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yesterday evening for about the hundreth time this year my front garden(Im on a corner plot) was used as a short cut round the path,I couldn't help myself and shouted at the kids to get off my...
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i'm struggling to think of band names beginning with the letter x. any ideas?
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Come on then name your top 5 comedy programmes, i am finding it very difficult. Especially to put them in order. The definate ones in my top 5 are, The Office, Porridge and Friends, then to pick two...
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Is this some kind of anti-Bush slogan? You can even buy t-shirts, mugs and other merchadise with the word on it. What does it mean and where did it originate?
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I have no religion, never have, never will. I do however have morals and standards that I believe make me socially acceptable. Why is it that Wherever I go or whenever I have to fill in forms I am...
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Reading mulbergers question got me thinking. What ever happened to Tab. I think it was a Coca-Cola brand.. What other brands have disappeared off our shelves?
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I'm wondering; what do you all do with your pets if you work a normal 40-hour week (9-5:00 everyday M-F) ? My pup is going on 9 mths now and she is still being crate trained, which is really...

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