Do you agree that the most overused word in the country lately is "Brave" ? Most recently this word was used to describe Paula Radcliffe running in the marathon..did I miss something?...
Within the last year or so I watched yet another Reality TV program on the subject of finding a formula 1 Driver. I watched a couple of episodes as they weeded out the hopefuls. It seemed to die a bit...
Argh, i cannot believe i am asking this, but there you go. I am a fifteen year old girl, and we have rules. One of these rules is that dating someone younger than yourself is to be avoided, inless you...
Is it true that guys will see you as "just a friend" or "one of the guys" if you share an interest considered masculine i.e. chronic football (soccer) obsession? PLEASE TELL ME...
Something strange happened today. I was walking home from school with my daughter and various friends when a car stopped and the woman driver opened the door. I thought she wanted to ask...
A friend of mine has a bit of a dilema. They had a relationship, that lasted a while. Eventually said friend realised it was going nowhere and called it a day, but agreed to remain friends...
i have an abcess in my mouth im on antibiotics from the dentist and im counting down the minutes until i can take my next lot of painkillers i have been in agony for five days now does anyone have any...
What are your opinions on answering your partners mobile if they are not there and it is ringing? Are you invading their privacy? Should they not bother as they should have nothing to hide? What do...
As far as I know, currently, there are no rules or regulations in place to regulate the quality of information on the world wide web. The world wide web has made it extremely easy for...
Do i need a licence to buy and own collectible weapons eg. swords, axes, daggers etc, and if i do need a license, how the hell do i go about getting one:??? ive looked just about everywhere and i...
Is this easy or is there security stuff on the discs to stop you? If it is possible what software is recommended - free software please :) Thanks in advance
Not long ago my sister had a dawn raid to her home by the police with a Search Warrant, thinking she was dealing in drugs. As a result she was left feeling angry and upset and her two...