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Help someone, what the heck is eating my boyfriend's skin? My poor boyfriend suffers terribly from bites - most especially around his ankles. It is so odd because no matter how many bites he gets, I...
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I was wondering if anyone can help me identify what type of insect it is that keeps biting me and an inexpensive way of getting rid of them. I was first bitten about 6 months ago when my partner...
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Eurggghhhh the little monsters have invaded my house, I've had them in the bedroom, livingroom and kitchen. I've been having great success with humane traps and taking them a good few miles away...
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Anyone ever used Electronic Pest-Control devices....? Were they effective and reliable?
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how well do the sonic pest control plug-ins work? I'm looking to repel ants, spiders, mice and few other common pests.
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Every year without fail, we get ants in our kitchen and until this year the bathroom too. A few months ago we installed a new kitchan and bathroom. When we took out the old kitchen units, I couldn't...
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Last few, can anyone help? 37 What is the correct term for a termite's nest 48 Name the Cannabis Granny 50 Which amphibian has a yellow stripe down its back? 77 Why are neckties often pointed at the...
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Last one. Nest of a termite colony. (9) T?R?I?A?Y. That Y may be wrong. Thanks for all help offered.
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Can anyone please tell me the proper term for a termite nest thank you Sue
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With the news that Jason Mumford and Eva Longoria's husband Tony Parker joining the swelling ranks of male celebrities who are caught playing away (be it sex or just sexual texting- sexting?), im...
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what are the biggest-selling celebrity magazines in Hong Kong, and are any geared for readers of middle age and older?
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i dont buy celebrity mags, but any news re preston and chantelle ?
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Does anyone else think celebrity culture is the most uninteresting, moronic and injust thing on planet Earth or am I a lonely person on this one and about to get ripped to shreads? I...
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I'm watching a program about Whitney Houston and just realised that it was two years ago on the same day that Alexander McQueen died. It got me thinking about celebrities and how much people (fans)...
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This made me LOL. Kelly Brook (the "actress" who's never really been in anything) was in Brighton yesterday, and ... she had an ice cream. Emily Walker, a reporter at The Arsegas, made the...
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jd_1984 In putting this up please dont think I care. My point is THIS was the featured story on the Mirror web page! Ok...
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WOW, just WOW but at the same time "EEEEECK"! I love this comment "It has been named Poecilotheria rajaei, in...
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Our neighbours recently had solar panels installed and yesterday our electricity went a bit crazy. When I went to switch the kitchen light on, it flashed and went out, and caused all the downstairs...
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How use the solar power in his house for heating or electricity?? Is the solar power good and enough for your house?? How much is cost you the solar power..?...
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How do the economics of solar panels for power workor are they worth it?

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