Does this surprise anyone? It surprised me - him always being up for a battle - but having listened to him yesterday I think he's not only lost the plot - I think he's... ...
Anybody remember this: Well the little darling (“The boy, who has ADHD, was described as a "lovely affectionate little boy" by his single... ...
The other 9/11 (harrowing, but well worth reading) :- The other tragic 9/11 was the day in 1973 when the Chilean military, commanded by General Augusto Pinochet, with the encouragement, knowledge,... ...
You ask me to change my avatar but I've had it for a week, why now? Also at least one other user has copied it. I don't want to get the balme for them.
At 2.30AM a debate between a tired old bankrupt with a string of criminal convictions, and a vibrant young lady with a lifelong career in law enforcement, will take place. They are vying for the... ... I hope this works out for them but It's very risky. ...
To foreigners wishing to escape "destructive neoliberalism" it has been described elsewhere as an "anti-woke" visa seeing as many ABers complain about woke and... ... Islamification is becomming an issue all over Europe and I applaud the way this Mayor is dealing with it. Of course by not giving in to TROP this... ...
Starmer says he moved the painting of Thatcher because he doesn't like people looking down on him. Better get used to people looking down on him, mostly with contempt.
//Labour’s proposal to impose VAT on private school fees from January is facing a High Court legal challenge on grounds that it breaches human rights law.... The policy has already drawn... ...
... economic migrants in order to save on their tax bills? Of the three possible destinations mentioned, Dubai and Florida don't seem very attractive, thought Paris is . Would you give up the... ...
Tony Blair says Brexit has failed, and ended up with mass immigration instead of the promise to take back control .The UK has swapped younger single people coming in from the EU to work in... ...
I think it's well on the way to claiming that title - and justifiably so. After just a couple of months in office, this government has shown its true colours by revealing just some of what it... ...
Some eejit on the news channel saying "nucular" makes my blood boil. How can we have "journalists" who can't even talk, surely that's the basis for reporting on TV.
I've been saying for years we should outsource prison places and low and behold... Now I'd... ...