Organisms have different chromosome numbers. I'm wondering how this can evolved. If an organism has something that occurs to change its chromosome number (splitting, agglomeration, whatever) how could...
Hi I'm trying to enter a LOOKUP formula which will look up one of three lists, depending on the answer entered in a certain cell. For instance if cell B11 says X I want it to look up from list 1 If...
Revisiting maths I did many years ago and have forgotten how to do questions such as this one. Please help. The point P is at the foot of the perpendicular from point (1,1,9) to the plane 2x+y-z=6....
I have no formula for this; I'm working off prior knowledge and general intuition. So far I have: 9.8 m/s^2 (acceleration in free fall)/2 = 4.9 m/s (average speed over 1 second). So in one second the...
Could anybody familiar with printing terminology help me with this abstruse question? What is the name of the print symbol used throughout the 1662 Book of Common Prayer to indicate an italicised...
A curve is given by x=t2, y=t3. Find the eqn of the tangent with parameter u and the eqn of the normal to the curve at a pt whose parameter is v Find the parameter of the point where the tangent at...
the question is find a and b in termns of n if the expansions of (1+x)n and exp ( ax/(1+bx)) are the same up to x2 (1+x)n is easyy 1 +nx + n(n-1)/2! x2 etc but the exponent : 1 + ax/1+bx +...
How do I stop other recipients of an email sent to a number of people adding themselves to my address book, its driving me nuts !! Many thanks in advance !
My cat has just dragged in a shrew,was half alive when she let go (a gift) we could see it was about to die so tried to make it comfortable but it died within minutes of her bringing it in. My...
When a high-energy photon forms an electron/positron pair the electrons always have the same mass, charge, etc. Why? If you sent dough to several locations to be made into loaves, the loaves would all...
Hey, If anyone can help me with this it'd be much appreciated, tnx. *Q*:A hydrogen atom is in the third excited state. It makes a transition to a different state and a photon is either absorbed or...
According to the American Nuclear Society website: "a Nucleus that has more Neutrons than Protons is unstable, and such Nucleus will try to become stable by giving off particles or packets of...
Hi all, I've got an Access table with 2 fields. [Name],[Consistency]. Consistency is a percentage. numbers are logged to two decimal places with the "%" sign displayed after it. I'm trying to query...