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Anyone know a really good shampoo for weak brittle hair. my hair always sames to snap very easy and that isnt normal.
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This club is being built in our area. Would this be racist?
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hello. i was going to bed. but anyone know of good dating websites. i can,t meet a girl anywhere or a good chat site.. ta
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OK, we all get bombarded with the emails, but I wonder how many of them are genuine. Whatever, I'd rather not risk using any of these sites, so does anyone know of any reputable (or seemingly) online...
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... or don't these things matter any more? or am I just getting old?? :o)
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i've already got a boy staffy which he is 9 and a half moths know, my partner has just bought another boy staffy puppy, do you think im going to have problems with as i want to keep the oldest one...
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I completed on a new build property purchase in April. Since then, I've become aware of a number of issues, which should have been attended to. For instance, some plug sockets are missing, with live...
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i wanted to get a tattoo of just a couple of words on my heart. Now the problem is where exactly is my heart? The obvious place to put it would be on my boob but i don't think that's right some how....
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And I dont know what to do now to occupy my mind. All ideas will be gratefully acknowledged and considered. TIA.
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Apart from where else can I look for rented rooms in London?
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Have any of the ladies here tried the Mooncup? If so, how have you found it? How affective is it, in comparison to regular sanitary protection? How easy is it to use?
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Does anyone know why my stools are so prickly? I feel like I'm passing razor blades and have some anal tearing. My stools are quite large too. Is it true if you don't chew food properly, stools can be...
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I don't know whether shaving has caused this, maybe I shouldn't of shaved and left the fine 'baby' hairs alone - or would this still of happened?? I have only just finished paying off the loan over a...
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I have decided, should my forthcoming and perilous, transatlantic relationship not evolve, offer myself as a sugar daddy. I am a really good looking 49 yr old, my own house, car and American camper. I...
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I've been seeing a man for about 7 weeks. my name is Sara (rhymes with Lara) but three times (so far) he has called me Sarah. I'm seriously p***ed off, especially as he knows it is something I hate....
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Does anyone know how to do this? I saw a chart on the wall in my gym telling you to measure your pulse and count to 10 or was it for 10 then multply by 10 or something - maybe not??? To get % of how...
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Its summer and people are getting them out - the ugliest part of the human body, male or female?
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How long do I need to wait until I can walk on our newly laid turf?
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I caught the end of an interesting discussion on the radio the other day and I was nodding in agreement with............. 1. Wearing socks with open-toed sandals 2. Wearing white socks (and/or even...

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