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Last one to solve and completely stumped. 19 down EXCLUSIVE GROUP SITTING UPRIGHT. I have ?e?a?t....
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Flummoxed on three. 10 and 12 ac, plus 2 dn For 2 (What helps bowlers hit their mark?), words like LINE and BIAS have some connection, but hardly that sense of rightness a cryptic clue should give....
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20d FENCE IN FIELD IGNORED AT THE OUTSET AFTER STABLE UNFINISHED. I have S?R?O??? and am considering SURROUND (= FENCE). Hints would be appreciated....
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17 Across WISHING ONE WELL OVER INDEPENDENCE. I have ?S?I?i?. ASPIRIN would fit: A/spirin(g). But I can't see the "OVER INDEPENENCE" bit. Any hints would be appreciated....
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I'm stuck in the southwest corner and not sure about 18d: "What autos-da-fe led to? Foreign money raised into memorial plate" I have BRASEROS which I parse as BRASS with ORE reversed inserted. I...
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22 across "Pigment shade finally seen in earthenware pot" I have CERULE but cannot see the why....
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One left. "Rand maybe in transmission of data? One's choice no longer" I have "DAY?T" but am not 100%certain that the "Y" is correct. It ir were an "I" then DAINE might work. Any hints would be...
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I am left with 2 clues. 2 down "Perhaps America aggrieved with Europe, regularly disregarded Paris" I have ?u?e?o?e. I think it must be "Superpower" but cannot see how this can be derived from SORE +...
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I'm stuck in the lower left quarter. 29a "Get off with female and make an impression - niello!"Is this an unusual girl's name? I think that "niello = lionel/O,Neil" and is linked either to 6a and 27a...
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25a Old poet’s immediately energized after book (5) BLI _ E (BLIVE ??) 8d Versatile jazzman? He makes money, certainly (4) MO _ E Thankyou...
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It was only when I had completed the grid that I saw the note in bold print under the clue list. What does Azed mean by "1 across appears at the entry for its final element"?...
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One to go and I have abandoned hope of finding the answer. 6d. "Confidential answer received almost all changed" I have AL?TER?. I'm assuming that it is the foreign language one referred to in the...
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Last one to solve and completely stuck. 13D "Time wasters are sort of naughty transgressor" I have ?o?t?e?s?r Are my crossers correct?...
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I have one remaining to solve: 30 Across "Pirate had not started out wearing a crown" I have T?R?A?D but am not sure about the "R" Also, I can't see how the "DD" works in 1 across "Sort of cups found...
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I have nearly given up on 25a "Not Reformed, cad to make off without paying, put inside to become honest" All I want confirmed is whether the third word is "?A?E?"...
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I have two left. 25a "Tail-ender moving to the front laps quickly" I have SL?C? and 21d "One fixes eyes on ball, one hits high, cover finally caught" I have S??YER I'D BE GRATEFUL FOR ANY HINTS...
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I would be very grateful for a hint on how 19a "Open trophy ultimately kept in county jail"is parsed. I see the county and where the "t" comes from but can't see where "jail" fits in. What part of the...
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I'm left with 29d "Exotic food plant: look in for taste, turning up". I have TA-O but cannot find anything that parses. Any suggestions?...
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12a Sounds like the 13th attempt to foil a foil...950
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I have filled the grid but cannot work out the last three words of the special instructions. Does the fourth word have 7 letters? I cannot see the extra letter in 24 down: "Position essential to...

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