Hi, just looking for suggestions for nice romantic films. Nothing too slushy or intelligent. Just a nice bit of romantic escapism.
Thanks for any suggestions....
anyone know who played "pauls" mother in this weeks episode, we know her face from somewhere, we missed the credits
glad this has been recommissioned for next year too, it's excellent...
Bonne de Douche ! Mr Smow still goes into hysterics every time he sees the wine bar scene where Del falls flat on the floor through the bar. I love the one where they have the blow up dolls and they...
Rod at his usual best.....I have to say how outstandingly great Nicola Benedetti was tonight - she is an exceptional musician! Her support backing to Rod singing White Christmas was absolutely...
One of the questions on 'Pointless' today was think of a country what begins with the same letter as its capital. For example Brazil= Brasilia. One of the contestants put forward Taiwan whose capital...
I need to change trains, getting off at Stratford International and on again at (old) Stratford Station. Is it just a case of walking thorough Westfield Shopping centre? Is it easy to find and how...
does anyone have one, if so are they useful, do the job.
Toying with the idea of buying one, but don't have a lot of space, so it can't be full sized. Any recommendations, ideas would be welcome....
Why on earth do they show themselves up by going on I'm a Celebrity, get me out of here? Shrieking and crying surely is not good for the image :)) Helen is pathetic ...........
After Eccles wanting lasagne, lol, got me thinking. It always tastes better the next day. And today I made a Cottage Pie for dinner, which was lovely, but I know the remainder will taste so much...
I just watched the above with des o'connor and his wife and I knew the way the mrs was holding the headphones - she was listening in. I study body language. I instinctively knew she would get the...