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My girlfriend heard this in Asda, can't think who it is... Maybe by Bon Jovi, or at least that kind of band... Annoying us both cos she can't even hum the tune! Phrase may be "I think you're amazing"
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I read ages, and I mean ages ago about Commando Wars, made by possibly Ubisoft... Definitely a French developer anyway... It was an isometric view, and you controlled the lead soldier, and the others...
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I have just seen Rendition, and noticed Floella Benjamin is on the credits as CIA staffer... I can't remember when she would have appeared... Does anyone know what her character does in the film?
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Has there ever been an occasion where a pace/safety car has had an accident / spun?
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I wached a program recently about the formula 1 cars of the 80's I was astonished to hear that the BMW car with a four cylinder 1.5 litre engine produced over 1000bhp. Could some body please explain...
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there is a rumour that henry is secretly looking at houses in the merseyside area and that benetiz is using eto to liverpool as a smokescreen, i know it sounds far fetched but arsenal maybe want to...
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I was coming north along the A1 (I don't know the area) north of Highgate, London, and was getting ready to turn right to carry on following the A1. I went through the lights and pulled up to the car...
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Why can't I find the woman of my dreams? Am I too nice?
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Where can you find that someone special who will not hurt you?
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I remember being told at school that when snogging someone their saliva stays in your mouth for 3 months and somebody mentioned it the other day. This cant be true can it?
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If you took a lady out on Valentine's night, would you be interested in her? Weird qu. I know... I've been seeing a guy (colleague) for a couple of months, he told me he was happy to see me but wasn't...
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When driving and someone annoys you how far up this list would you go? 1. Mentally condemning other drivers. 2. Verbally denigrating other drivers to a passenger in your vehicle. 3. Closing ranks to...
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Just judging by the so many lonely hearts on here
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how do you do this? i know its all about taking chances and risks, but im naturally quite defensive and shy so i imagine there are barriers a girl would need to break to get through to me. i work 9-5...
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What are the longest, heaviest and tallest ships?
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why haven't cars got a gadget that wouldn't allow them to do any more than 80mph? There is no reason why vehicles in this country have to do more than that legally, so what is the reason that they are...
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aka pixi
This is pretty funny, just put in your name and post the first answer you get......no cheating now www.thesurrealist.co.uk/slogan.cgi I got ..... splash pixi all over (ooerr) lol
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A car is in the "outside" lane and another car is in the "inside" lane. If both cars move into the "middle" lane at the same time and they collide, who is at fault?
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Im a fleet manager and one of our employees was caught doing 103mph on a 60mph rd. Personally I think he will receive a hefty fine and possibly 9 points, because isnt it 3 points per 10mph over the...
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what was ur fav sweet when u were a kid? mine was sherbet pips. hmmmmmmmmmmm!

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