and cannibals. Why do we xtians indulge? in the symbolic practices of drink this [wine] it is my blood and eat this [bread] it is my body, i would appreciate a non-flippant answer.
Since when has using the same words in the same paragraph been an offence in the English language? Since when have all people from the Middle East been Arabs? Since when have jobs such as professional...
I was wondering if anyone knows the history and/or orogins of the numbers believed to be significant? 13 is tied in with the Last Supper, but what about 5, 7, 8, 666? Thanx a lot guys and girls :)))
Why do some AB users post non-answer responses to certain questions asked - especially when no debate or opinion is invited. It's so irratating when users who obviously don't have the answer continue...
Can anyone recommend a UK website for buying, selling or exchanging 2nd hand goods? (I find the competition of sites like ebay distasteful, having no desire to be one of life's 'winners'). Any ideas?...
Have any other Abers come across this piece of software - I want to remove it from my PC but when I try to do so from my 'Add/Remove Program' list on my PC locks up! Having 'Googled' it I see at least...
I have been thinking of buying a dvd recorder now for a whie.The problem i have is which 1 to go for?.What should i be looking out for? i do have a budget so i'm not wanting to spend over ?250.I mean...
I have a problem with my PC. Every time I boot it up, my 'Favourites' folder contains a series of short-cuts, which are for offensive websites. I delete them, but then, when I next re-boot, they're...
Do kids still roll their Easter eggs? I used to roll my chocolate (and hard-boiled) Easter egg before scoffing commenced. Nowadays though it seems as if an egg is not enough - money and pressies are...
what is the difference between DAB digital radios and other digital radios. Are the latter just better sound, and only DAB versions have access to the additional radio channels like bbc radio 6, 7...
Thinking that desktop icons were only shortcuts and that my photo file was so big, my pc was slowing down, I put my photo file desktop icon in the recycle bin and then deleted. Now I realise I have...
I've recently noticed a bird that's about the size of a pigeon, but with a reddish coloured chest and black/dark brown wings and back. Could anyone tell me what this is?
What are the negative affects of consuming a large amount of antacid tablets everyday - say 15 a day - besides perhaps developing a tolerance to their effects on indigestion in the long run?
Recently a friend of minewho had designed his own group on the web had his original group name stolen members vamooshed etc.... I personally think that the person who stole the original contents and...
I have recently written a series of children's story books. They are rhyming story books and I am very interested in carrying out a lifelong ambition and would like to submit them to publishers....