If you are expecting visitors to your home do you run around like a lune making sure the house is immaculate and add touches that you'd never usually bother with, e.g. fresh flowers in the loo. Or do...
If you're interested don't forget that the total solar eclipse will be happening during the next few hours http://www.theanswerb.../Question1187789.html - other streams are probably available....
A very very dear friend of ours reaches a milestone next week. Now obviously we are getting him a proper nice present. However, we also want to get him some silly presents. We were thinking stuff like...
I have just watched on an old VHS tape found in a drawer the most mesmorisingly awful film surely ever made; 'The Queen of outer space', 1958, starring Zsa Zsa Gabor. 'Three American astronauts are on...
Do you have pet(s)? My dog (Blakeney) is staring at me now wondering why we haven't gone for a walk yet. He is our third black Labrador. Mrs R didn't like dogs until I brought home a puppy. Ten...
hi everyone. when i tried getting on my bike this morning, my back 'went'. i am now sat on my floor with excruciating pain in the lumbar region. i have never had pain here before (but i have back...
Before I got through to Seaworld, I had to say
"Jump through the hoop!"
"Do a flip!"
They said my call may be recorded for training porpoises....
We haven't had one of these for a bit - and you know how sqad loves them ... Me : Fish Fingers in pitta bread with thousand island dressing, some rather dodgy looking olives and a glass or two of...
I have just bought a panasonic dect KX-GT8522E.
I have fully charged, registered and received the set-up text from BT, biut I cannot send a text message...
On my local Beeb radio last night there was a phone-in to match the answers given in the Spotify survey of 2,000 Brits between the ages of 18-91 (there was an even gender split). Try falling asleep...
Can anyone tell me the lady authors name that comes from Leicester. I have googled but can't find anything . I did know her name but have forgot. Thanks
wife in hospital having op on frozen shoulder as we speak!
really hope she is ok and all is going well! i'm off back to the hospital at 3 to see her and bring her home later...
Mr mac had a heart attack early this morning. He's ok, but he's been transferred to a hospital miles away. So after spending most of the day at the local hospital with him, I'm now back home and don't...