I think I would, because at this moment in time, I haven't a clue who I would vote for in a GE, They were all in it up to their neck with the Expenses, GB is very weak and takes forever to come out...
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/8219473.st m I know it's the US but how long before it spreads thoughout the world? If this catches on presumably the Tobacco firms will find themselves out of...
Only one crime is solved a year for every 1,000 CCTV cameras, police admitted yesterday. The startling figure comes in a Scotland Yard report which warns that a network that can capture individuals as...
With the Septics apoplectic with the Sweaties and boycotting British goods etc, was it a mistake to let the guy out? Will the Scot government survive this?
I thought England was a very tolerant country, but Scotland now seems to be the most tolerant country on earth.They even issue their national flag out, for the photo shoot of his homecoming....
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/arti cle-1206618/Extremist-banned-entering-UK-BNP-f estival.html Preston Wiginton, a close associate of BNP leader Nick Griffin was refused entry into the UK,...
Hazel Blears has her tyeres slashed and windscreen damaged whilst out canvassing. Will Labour wake up and smell the coffee or plough on for the next 10 months wrecking the country so the Tories...
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/8181499 .stm Airbrushing should be banned in advertisements aimed at children to tackle "body image pressure", say the Liberal Democrats. Altering photos to make...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-120377 8/Dont-trust-men-power--run-organisations-decl ares-Harriet-Harman.html Who does this sexist woman think she is? If a Man was to make a comment such as...
Do you think muslims would be less inclined to murder the indfidel if they sat down for nice pint of foaming ale occasionally? Perhaps the whole problem is lack of anything in their lives that might...
I'll never get why people read this trash http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/81772 31.stm Why can't newspapers stick to news and not absolute trash stories!?
Local town infested with albanians (allegedly) who follow cash machine drawers & mug them. Also encouraging lone/unattended children for .....? They wear burkhas during their mis-deeds.
The men were kidnapped in 2007. We have only just heard about them because the kidnappers requested it was kept quiet. I happened in broad daylight. The kidnappers drove 19 Land Cruiser vehicles...
From time to time I read news items such as: Falls in property prices slowed to 6.2% - 6.2% of what? Use of sunbeds raises the cancer risk by 75% - 75% of what? To me 75% means 'something' divided by...
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/8175138 .stm As the reasons for going to war in Iraq are essentialy down to one person ie Blair would more be gained by getting him to stand trial at the Haque?...
The British Council, which is funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth office is to get rid of 500 British jobs and save ?45million. The Finance and IT jobs will be done locally in India....