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In a non-European country or place people get injured or even die in a manner which is described as ''the most silly or stupid death''.It even causes some smiles.It is part of the traditions of these...
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Some years back an american newspaper (which had been circulating for several years) suddenly and for no apparent reason, started making spelling mistakes. There was no change in staff or duties. The...
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In recent years an american newspaper suddenly and for no apparent reason, started making spelling mistakes. There was no change in staff or duties. The errors were not caused by machinery,technical...
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What was the most widespread crime/illegality after the end of the American Civil War?
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Why in Italy there is a tendency to ask the time,from a public service telephone (telefono azzuro?) more frequently than in other countries? In other words Italians telephone to ask the time from a...
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An American newspaper all of a sudden started making many spelling mistakes .What explanation they gave? The paper had been operating for many years without spelling errors. Also there was no change...
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In late 18th century people -including eminent men- were searching in lakes/bogs/ponds to find the answer to a question,a mystery. They were not searching for profit. Later on they were ridiculed....
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Scientists predict that something very negative already happening to humans will be completed around 2140A.D..It does not concern the environment,diseases,lack of goods,life expectancy.It will happen...
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Scientists have observed that if there are more hens than roosters in a henhouse something happens quite different than if there are more roosters than hens.The answer does not involve egg...
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I have heard that in the States a "shotgun" is being designed,which will not aim at people,it will not be used for law enforcement,it will not shoot bullets,it will not be used against animals or for...
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In a serious radio program this question was asked: It is an excellent anti aging,probably the best. It enters our home and then it goes and we fail to get its important and positive benefits. What is...
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In past times, after a wedding in rural Russia (peasants) people on horseback, outside the church, in front of the newlywed couple, did something to chase away the evil spirits and protect the couple....

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