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Anyone agree - lets all have a big love in today and turn to the person next to you - yes even if you have a laptop and you are some high flying business man on a plane or something just tell that...
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if you were to sit in a bath of alcohol could it get u drunk as your pores would soak it up??
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Where IS he?
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If someone bought 'half a gram' of cocaine would that suggest it was only for their own use or that they intended to share/sell some on? At that quantity would the police consider the person was...
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To Curlyfilm......and curlymilf curlylimf curlyfilm" curlyfilm! HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR TOMORROW
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a) how long was the longest thread ever on AB? b) can we beat it?
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How are you doing?
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as some people are offended by some of the questions and answere in AB, could there be a indicator or something on the question, that says some users maybe be offended,
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do you think I am a girl or a boy
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hair and eyes do you have? Also is your hair straight or curly? Just trying to form a picture of everyone.
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Im getting increasingly frustrated at all these posts glorifying and celebrating the hanging of saddam. I am 100% against the death penalty so he should go to to jail as far as im concerned. Has...
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Is retail therapy the best way to get over a broken relationship? Tried all else. But B*gger all helps
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I have been invited to a swingers club on New Years Eve - should I go??
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Following on from my last question which was probably aimed more at the men on AB. Here's one for the women - if you could choose a celebrity body (and head if you like) and borrow it for the week,...
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which one did you prefer if you was in that era.........if not, what saturday morning show did you love?? its good for the soul to remember good things!!!! :?()
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I currently train 3 times a week doing wado-ryu karate and have been for almost 2 years. I love going to class but i have realised that to get further I need to start training harder at the basics and...
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Who believes in angels, and if you do, what has happened to make you believe?

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