3. If people evolve from monkeys, why are monkeys still around.
4. Why is there a 'D' in fridge but not in refrigerator.
5. Who knew what time it was when the first clock was made....
https://news.sky.com/story/climate-activists-who-deflate-car-tyres-reveal-plan-to-target-thousands-more-suv-drivers-and-wont-stop-even-if-they-cause-accidents-12609403 ...I'll deflate their head if I...
Name a food that you absolutely loathe, & could never eat. For me, mushrooms, olives, liver and brussell sprouts come instantly to mind - I honestly couldn’t eat them if you paid me lol! How about...
I used this crossing maybe a couple of times a year BC, Before Covid, last time was in 2019 and had a pre-paid account. As I am going to be using it in July I thought I would check my balance and was...
Dumpy little thing, no sense of humour, being "knocked off" by her devoted boyfriend to which she is negative towards his advances. He gave her an engagement ring to which she showed little or no...
What you had bought you that you've never bothered with or used. I ask because I often have a walk round the no end of charity shops in my area. Now depending on what your looking for you can pick up...
This has probably been asked on here many times but hey ho....I'm tired, bored and no longer in control of the tv remote! Mine are The Changeling, La Cabina and Wolf Creek. And anything based on real...
How much was it? do you have an amusing anecdote? I had a Ford Anglia 1200 cost £30. The battery was knackered so it often would not start but It would start so easily I could bump start it on my own!...
How to Write Big Books by Warren Peace The Lion Attacked by Claude Yarmoff The Art of Archery by Beau N. Arrow Songs for Children by Barbara Blacksheep Irish Heart Surgery by Angie O'Plasty Desert...
Ukraine to name a street after Boris Johnson .
Mayakovsky St ..to be renamed ...Boris Johnson st
Will it be a one way St ,or a cul de sac with room for U turns....
My wife was reading a magazine she said to me "It says here that 50% of men sing in the shower and the other 50% masturbate and do you know what song they sing?" "No I don't." I said "I didn't think...
I’m posting early this week, as I’ll probably be going out this evening. That means that I won’t be able to quickly respond to all your reported scores, telling you all just how brilliant you are (or...
People who don't tolerate BS are always labelled problematic, bitter or crazy. Why? Never forget you have more in common with someone arriving in a dinghy with nothing than the millionaires sending...
If so what did you think? I thought it was excellent and remember it happening. Never knew Harrogate was by the sea though and I used to live close by;-)...
What a good idea, let them come back to see the Queen, don’t tell anyone, don’t need security, and we don’t want to see them anyway, so no pomp and circumstance....
One evening Alex Fergusons phone rings. It's the fire brigade telling him Old trafford is on fire."The Cups" shouts Ferguson. "Save the cups" "Don't worry sir" says the fireman " The flames haven't...