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What's the worst lie you've 'had' to tell to save someone's feelings? Was it necessary? x WS
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and what most attracts men most to women????
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who has answered the most questions on this site? - post your stats people and the winner will receive? admiration and respect!
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Hi everyone! How was your weekend? I was here, but kept a bit quieter (don't worry, I've got questions prepared for this week- yep, they're chatty too :-)) What did you all get up to? x WS
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Never mind all this talk about diving, or the Premiership title race, or even Australia struggling against Bangladesh in cricket, the main question today has to be.......... HAS ANYONE SEEN THE...
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aka estie
Or is it not an act? I am really scared by how dumbed-down this place has become the past few days :(
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just logged on and realised i first joined 1 year ago today - my original search that lead me to here was about a drink from the 80's called wfla, that noone else but me seems to remember (in my head...
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On the Cross, Jesus said, 'Father forgive them, for they know not what they do'. If God is the father, and Jesus and God are one, who was he talking to?.
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"Badges we don't need no stinking badges!"
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girls whats your fav chick flick? boys what your fav bloke film?
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Hi, I would value your opinion on who has been the best keeper this season? I am living in China at the moment and get to see some football but not as much as I am used to! I mostly just read the...
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How much does a child make for a tooth these days?
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lethal name me a better finisher

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