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My son's having his impacted wisdom tooth out in hospital today. He has been in absolute agony for the last couple of months. I'm sure he'll be fine but I'm worrying about him! I'll be happier when...
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worse or better than it was years ago ?
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This is just a test with 20 questions and at the end you are given your mental age. I did it twice, the first time I was 8 years older than my age, the second time 11 years...
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what would you pick chicken pork or beef ?? a quick random poll vote thanks x...
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The stain is around the edge of bottom of the toilet bowl. I have tried the usual toilet cleaner (with 100% limescale remover) and bleach, neither have worked. Any ideas ?
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Is getting on my T1TS, such a drama Queen!!!!
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My 3 yr old son is terrified of doing a poo. He holds it in and holds it in to the point where he's screaming in pain and uncomfortable. It's so terribly distressing, i dread every day knowing he, and...
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My father took me to see 'Brief Encounter'. Apart from the music (Rachmaninov's 2nd.) it was pure romantic tosh. We both walked out half way through. Years later, did the same for 'Hello Dolly';...
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anotheoldgit /// The innocuous remark at a public meeting was seized upon by an equality campaigner – and the ensuing race row has lasted six months at a cost to the taxpayer of...
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I thought my post would get removed. I was never and have never mentioned by name the Care Home which inflicted the injuries on my Mum.
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really loving this, have pork in sweet chilli sauce in it right now, can you all pls share your family fav slow cooker recipes with me. thanks x...
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My dog howls everytime the phone rings, and runs a mile if he hears the door creak. He hasnt always been like this and is getting very nervous. Any tips on why and how to combat this problem ?...
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Well what a day. Had a really bad night with my baby but this is nothing new so put it down to teething and gave him medicine and carried on as normal. Come mid morning he had taken a turn for the...
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so here it is in a nutshell have had a job on a childrens cancer ward for a few weeks, today found a little boy age two dead , his mum had been told it would be a few hours and was asleep in the chair...
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There is no banter like there used to be and a lot of familiar names seems to be missing, they can't all have been banned. Have they all gone to another site or just got fed up and lying low for a...
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I'll start this one off with Kate Bush
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If invisible for the day?
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texts received from the girl, she wants to come home from school, cannot face school today, she had been opening up and talking about the death of her mother over the last few days, i think it is all...
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granny grump
Good morning all Our beautiful 6th Great grandchild - Matthew - arrived last night - Mother and baby (& Dad ) all well - can't wait for a cuddle at the weekend...
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I'm 15 but turn 16 on the 28th. I'm mature, hard working and can easily work independantly so feel i am capable of a job! I also really need money at the moment (quite worrying how bad i am at...

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