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ABSpareEditor | 15:23 Mon 26th Sep 2022 | Editor's Blog
467 Answers
I would like to acknowledge that there are some accounts that have been created by our moderators, to help them control the community, without breaking their normal identity.

Having multiple AnswerBank accounts is against site rules. However, these accounts have been approved by the Editors.

These moderators will be added to this thread, and you should give them as much respect as you would give to an Editor.

If you are a moderator, and would like to have one of these accounts, please send us an email.


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Zacsmaster - It looks like I started all of this last night. In the past I removed posts and had to watch as a row breaks out about who was responsible and why. I can now use my usual name to remove the posts and explain why in my secretmod name. I will also be able to warn posters to kerb their tempers and it might result in less suspensions happening.
16:23 Mon 26th Sep 2022
KM indeed. Its human nature. I'm actually quite tough. And happening on so many threads and so bluntly obvious. And at weekends where moderation is pathetic and no eds available.
Perhaps my ideas concern you because you seem to be continually missing the point I'm making, and had always made, especially when it comes to science. There is a clear distinction to be drawn between, on the one hand, a general discussion, with a (possibly quite frank) respectful exchange of views; and, on the other, one where the question manifestly requires an informed answer.

There has never been a point on AB's Science section where *general* discussion was prohibited: that was always in your imagination.
Not so, Jim. That wasn't in my imagination. You know it, I know it, and those whose well-constructed posts you zapped know it too. There's nothing stopping you giving what you consider an informed answer, and nor should there be anything stopping anyone else from giving what they consider an informed answer - even if that answer disagrees with yours. If you want a specialist site this isn’t it.
Since, as we've established, it was my initiative, I reckon I know much better what was intended than anybody else does. General discussion was never prohibited. In this sense, even the phrase "well-constructed" is revealing, because that's your own subjective judgement. Rarely, if ever, did such "well-constructed" posts cite evidence, or discuss competing views, or anything of the sort. They dressed up pseudoscience with a veneer of false authority, nothing more; well-constructed they were not.

But that's by the by. The fundamental point I'm making is that we should be more self-critical, when it comes especially to technical questions, of what counts as an "informed" post.
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MissTerious, you have complained that we don't remove the 'sly digs' yet you admit to rarely reporting them. Some members feel the comments should be left and others think the comments should be removed.

If the "dig" is that sly, is it worth rising to? Responding to it escalates the situation, showing that the comment affected you. That is what 'trolls' want. Don't rise to it.

Generally, this is why it is best to stay anonymous on The AnswerBank, and this is why we reccomend that you do not disclose personal information. It makes you a target to trolls, and can cause users to make more personal and directed attacks.

How do you suggest we solve the issue of sly comments? Should we suspend certian users over the weekend, and resinstate them on a monday, just to stop the digs?

Where do we draw the line between friendly banter and sly digs? You can't expect the Editors to be aware of every member's relationship with other users on and off The AnswerBank.
Jim, In my opinion those posts were well constructed and since I read what the editors say I've never been in any doubt about what was intended. I really think that all there is to be said about this has now been said so time to conclude this particular discussion.
//this is why it is best to stay anonymous on The AnswerBank, and this is why we reccomend that you do not disclose personal information. //

That is sound advice and something I've been saying forever. So much of the conflict on here results from people giving those who will use it ammunition by posting half their life stories.
Naomi. I was being accused of being in a clique. I have never been in a clique or talked elsewhere about AB users. The AB user I was being accused of being a friend of was someone who knew approximately in which area I lived in. Not where I live or my name. We have never met or talked on any other website and I don't know her name. That's hardly sharing my details!!
I'm not attacking you, Lottie. Going by the regular conflicts I see I'm simply stating what I think is a fact. I say very little about my life but nevertheless, I've come in for plenty of grief on here. As I said, I put it down to there being more out than in. It's the only rational explanation I can find for it - so it'll do. I can live with that. ;o)
Also accused of multiple user names. I have changed my names a few times for various reasons that are my business and always told people who I was before,I have never had more than one name at a time.

I am not a child I understand the Internet pretty well. I have worked with computers since 1966 when they were huge and locked away in dust

I dont mind sharing aspects of my life but not very personal ones. The only person on this site who k owns my name is the Spare Editor.
I find the tone of the secretmod deeply patronising and offensive as if they feel above all the other AB members and have the right to lecture us. I'm 77 years old and do not wish to be treated like a child. If they feel the need to remove a post all they need to do is refer which rule they feel has been broken by the offender. This would most definitely put me off becoming a new member.
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Sly digs and friendly banter are easy to separate
Ohhh ... I see.

Don't worry about it, Lottie. Seriously. Rise above it. If people don't like me it's their loss because I'm really very nice. Haaaa! ;o)
Threads like this (which I'll admit to having contributed to) need to be killed. This takes dedicated Moderation.
Nah. It's natter and nonsense innit. Mostly nonsense - and it shows. ;o)
Really fed up with this site now. It's gone beyond a joke. Staying put but not contributing unless things change. Obviously Im going to keep looking in.
ZM. Just friendly banter. Ed says mods can't tell the difference, apparently!!
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well that lasted 12 minutes

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