my daughter has just purchased a bulldog puppy.the pup is k.c. registered and when she collected it the seller gave her some eye drops because he said the dog had a touch of conjunctivitis.when she...
Springwatch. Footage of greater Spotted Woodpecker turning cannibal. Plucking chicks from a nest to feed to its own chicks. Swallow chicks dying in the nest due to cold n wet weather.
There was a post recently about elephants on this site so I posted this video, but no-one seems to have noticed it, so here we go again! A baby elephant has fallen down a hole and is being rescued by...
Sickening. South Herefordshire Hunt pair found guilty and the most they can be given is 6 months in prison.
[i] Xylella fastidiosa [i] arrived in Europe six years ago, devastating olive groves in southern Italy and spreading to other countries in the EU, including parts of France and Spain. Scientists need...
We have had a cat ( most likely a tom) who has sprayed in our front porch... what is the best product to get rid of the smell, which now also seems to be in some other rooms?
Any ideas on cleaning a cat which has coat smelling of poo. The cat is elderly and belongs to a neighbour who has now got a dog and appears to neglect the cat now. She's frightened of water so any...
Has anyone done this?
I have been offered a horse and I was thinking about loaning rather than buying until I can see if I can commit.
Anyone have experience of the pros and cons?...
I am currently being innundated with crows! Even my 2 very determined terriers are a bit nervous of going out when there is an invasion! So I'm looking for ideas to deter them without scaring off the...
If I hide it in his food, he must smell it and wont touch the food, crushing it to powder or cutting it in half made no difference. Trying to put it into his mouth resulted in a bit finger for me, and...
Has anybody used one of these and if so did they work? All a sudden we seem to be plagued by cats, I'm sure every bloody one on the estate has decided that our garden is the place to be,so any advice...
I left the guinea pig out side today as I do sometimes . in the top half of the cage but on the grass. Anyway she/ he escaped and I cant find it anywhere. The issue is we have a 4000 Square mete place...
Except for price that is? Here is one half the price of those advertised for dogs. As long as I am careful with the amount I am giving him for his weight I'm wondering if there is any reason not to...