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Robinia | 11:16 Mon 16th Apr 2007 | Animals & Nature
587 Answers
Does anyone happen to know what kind of moth this is please, without my having to trawl through hundreds of pics?
It's not really vital that I find out, I'm just curious. Maybe it's something really common...and no, it didn't fly out of my purse. :o)


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I can see it shaney, but who is it?

Did you see pt 2 The Little House? am waiting for it to download, hope it was good.
Oh dear Shaney. What a lot of chasing around you are having to do. How long is it now until Mr S can have an op. Has it been delayed because his blood is not quite right yet?

I am so tempted by that watch. Mr LL will be shown the picture this evening!!
Afternoon All. Still a crip day. thought it was brightening up at one stage but now luck. I've bought myself lovely warm woolie had - black with black shiney beedy things on it. From Asda £7,
You are so clever Shaney with the S on T D. I really concentrated last night as well. Sorry you are having problems with Mr S's things. I'm sure in time you will get sorted out properly.
I love the watch Lottie. I have only 2 watches bought for my by an old flame. Many years ago. When I'm in a gold accessories mood I use the gold one and then silver for the other. I love them both even though I've had them years. The silver one is a Gucci and has changeable coloured rings I can put on to match what I'm wearing.
The other is an Avia but very tiny so I have to where my specs else I can't tell the time :~)
B****r corrections - no luck New hat

Doesn't look much when it's not on a head but I think it's great.
Nice hat Jude. I wish I liked hats more. Correction, I do like hats but I hate my head being covered. It just feels awful, hot and itchy and then my hair looks even worse than it usually does - it is dreadful at the moment. I haven't washed it or done anything with it for a few days and it's gone all wavy and granny like. grrrrrrr!!
Hi Lottie ( I keep typing Lorrie) I don't wear hats at weddings and things like that but in the winter you can't beat something warm round your head. I have some stripey knittted ones but I just fancied that one.
I know warm hats are good, but I just feel so claustrophobic in them and itchy. I think it's because they just cling to your head. I don't mind hoods so much as long as they are roomy hoods.
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Nice blingy hat Jude & you'll still be able to wear a tiara over it :o) I think we'll need woolly everything if it gets any colder.

Yes neti I remember your daughter's problems...which meant your problems too...and I'm glad she's sorted. Get her on vacuuming duty but make sure she doesn't start tidying your closet.

mmm, there's always one to get past shaney, that's damned annoying for you. Back up a bit further & have a good run at her next time...all walls crumble in the end. I noticed I got very smiley service at the dentist's today, I don't think they've forgotten my scowling bruised face from the extraction fiasco.

ooooooooooh yes I see him shaney, he always makes my stomach flip flop, I'd be a wreck if ever I saw him for real. pleased as I am that MrW can piddle could you all whisper the p word please 'cos I'm very easily influenced
don't go away Clive, brb
> > > > > > > >
The Nat West Magazine came through the door a week ago and guess who's picture was on the front cover? I never read the bloomin' thing - it is very boring, but I immediately thought of you Robi!!
that's a very jolly hat. I have one that DH bought me years ago then banned me from wearing in his company...the kind that skiers used to wear, like a jesters cap with four points and different colours.
How about one of these then gals

(Perhaps not - I always get a running nose in cold weather! :o( )
LOL Lottie at the hat!!
Love the hat Jude .I wear a hat in the winter round here .It's so damn cold and that east wind cuts you two on a daily basis . I lurch between a woolly beanie ,a fleece hat with a fur trim or my bakerboy cap .
It'll be three months until Mr S can have the prostate op Lofty .It tkaes that long for them to get his warfarin sorted apparently .We are getting there slowly bit it's a daily nightmare with waiting for the nurse to do the blood ,then wait for a phone call for the dosage ,injection or no injection and it all has to be at a certain time .Then they say if another blood test is needed for the following day ,then I have to ring the district nurse and blah blah bloody blah .

Then I get silly mares who can't be arsed to get off their arses at the surgery .If it's not on her screen then it's not on her screen and I can go and jump . She makes me feel as if I'm being a complete nuisance .She's sooooo rude and passes the buck back to me ,slams the phone down ...whereas I at least say thank you a dialling tone.Grrrrrrrrrrr.

That Little House was good Neti ....funny ending ,but you can see what's going to happen in twenty or so years time ..she turns into her ma in law :)
Go Shaney Go!!! That's it, get it all off your chest. That's what we're here for. A big hug for you {{x}}
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Power happy & lacking in common sense is what some of them are shaney...we now have more methods of communication than ever & yet no one seems to be able to pick up a telephone when something's 'not on my screen'. I was going to ask if you have a support/social worker to have a good grumble to but my opinion of those isn't worth mentioning. Like Jude says, get it off your chest on here.

The Little House was a bit old fashioned wasn't it, but not too complicated for an old blonde like me to follow :o)

Is that hat all the rage in Norfolk Lottie? :o)
oh dear, these ailments do drag on, don't they. Perhaps you could inject some whisky into Mr S while you're having your own, shaney.

Still quite mild weather here, about 10 degrees, which is tolerable. I never wear anything on my head, it gets so hot and itchy and tangled


I went back to the travel show and lo! the Swedes were there after all. I think they must have been listed in the catalogue under Turiste Bord do Shweedie or something because they weren't under S. So I assured them I would be visiting their fine country asap. I also said the same to the Slovaks, the Armenians and the New Mexicans. I mean it too, though it may not come to pass.
Hello...? How long does a Swede have to stand in the doorway covered in icebergs and penguins before somebiddy thaws her out? Yesterday was really cold, -8 or 9 I think, today just a few minus degrees but it's been snowing and it's so windy and I'm so terrified it'll turn into ice. Talking of peeing which is all you biddies talk about;-) (congrats Woofy's husband!) I almost pee myself with pure fear when I have to go out and there's ice (and at the time I do have to go out). Last winter after my last fall somebody told me that if you walk with your toes pointing inward and your heels pointing away from each other, it won't stop you from falling over but if you do fall you'll fall forward and not backwards. So I'm doing that now (pointing, not falling!) but I can tell it's not a good idea for your knees AND it looks as you're ABOUT to pee yourself ha ha... Hate this climate. What'll become of me when I get to be Neti's age I daren't even think... ;-) >>>>>> PS Neti how can they close an entire island, say I were to come visit you - like jno's sis with no intention of working EVER, of course - would I not be let in?

Yes Robi my eyes are sort of blurry more or less all the time too, but not in the same way as in the beginning. The floaters are there all the time of course, but that's not blurriness. The blurriness is more as if somebody had put Vaseline in my eyes and also when it's like that it seems to coincide with worsened astigmatism. But I remember in the beginning it was really bad, lights had huuuge halos around them and I particularly remember a men's choir on the telly wearing white shirts and black costumes and the white spilled all over the black like a bad print. Anyhoo... you haven't noticed any new floaters? No harm in making an extra call just to make sure. I'm not worried for you but safe is always better than sorry (but I'm not worried).

jno if you come to Sweden come in summer, we'll meet up! :D

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