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Good moaning...bright but cold again, I can well believe that temperature woofy. I hate the cold more with each passing year, it makes me feel sick & my heart thumps.
Well booger I, I was just going to have a rant because I thought my official email address wasn't working now when I suddenly got mail. Looks like the ab ones are still lost in space though, I'll let you know if & when they appear. Perhaps a few magnets might draw them in.
Oh heck jno, that's a catalogue of disasters...I've got some Miners lippy from 1967 if that's any good to you? It makes you look desperately anaemic (remember those very pale shades?) but it'll get you to front of all medical queues. And the elbow will ease, well mine did...although it does come back from time to time. As does the knees...hips..neck...oh shoot me now.
And more power to the elbows (and all other areas) of ailing husbands, hope they continue to recover. Don't wear yourselves out girls! xx