Does anyone happen to know what kind of moth this is please, without my having to trawl through hundreds of pics? here It's not really vital that I find out, I'm just curious. Maybe it's something really common...and no, it didn't fly out of my purse. :o)
yes, I did send you an email, Robinia, but I suppose it's gone the same place as my camera. I've been having a massive millennial clearout since retiring, now two years ago, but boosted by jno jnr's departure. Given about 1000 books to charity, plus dozens of CDs once I got the iPod and copied over all the ones I wanted to keep. I have now thrown out three bags of newspaper clippings about nothing remotely interesting. Maybe I will even try to sell my old film cameras, they're good ones but it's all digital nowadays. All the unnecessary clothes went last Christmas. Thirty years does mean quite a lot of junk, doesn't it.
Considering that Mr S was a financial specialist and a meticulous accountant ,when we moved here from London we had sackfuls of shredded paperwork that he'd amassed over the years .Gas bills from the year dot etc.
We've now been here nearly seven years and have accumuated even more paperwork .
Not only his own but ma in laws and the old maiden aunts stuff as well .And you know what the Germans are like for paperwork ,red tape and rubber stamps .
It's a paper mountain in the making .
I have a folder full of receipts for all the furniture my in laws and the aunts ever bought .Some go back to before the first world war .
Hi there jno, sorry didn't see you. Departed youngsters have a habit of returning, I am so missing the use of daughter's reclaimed bedroom!
Mr N has shelves and shelves of receipts, work estimates, you name it, and all thoroughly useless by now.
I still have the receipt for a Jotul iron firestove (which still works remarkably well) which my mother bought in 1965! The shop (yes it's still here) is amazed when I take the receipt in looking for a cord thingy that goes in a groove inside the door! But yes, as soon as I win the lottery, I will have binned the ticket!!
Anyone watch "Snowdonia" I would love to try that, not a million miles away from life here not long ago, cept for the livestock!
Can't wait to start cleaning and turning out tomorrow, whatever is wrong with me? I'm not pregnant so it must be the ole thyroid being right as rain!!!
Just watched the Girls in Pearls, I used to love Henriette Tiarks, thought she was so beautiful and she still looks fine. I always wondered what happened to her. I quite like the unliberated woman's view, but not sure if I could be so subservient, but she seems very happy,
Am eating sweet Ryvita, bought it by mistake, no glasses, and was a shock when I first bit into it with Philly herb cream cheese, Quite like it now, I think!
morning all...DH went to bed last night exhausted but happy and therefore so did I. My turning out has been put on hold ATM but it is very satisfying isn't it?
time for sleepies
Morning everybiddy. Lovely day again here. All white washing out looking good.(sheets and underwear and tea towels)
I am wearing a cardi which was my Mums. It really is a long one and very warm. I also have a hooded jacket which I wear in winter which I can't throw away either.
You've really got me at it girls, I've been cleaning kitchen cupboards now.
Went to B & Q this morning and on the way I let a man (driver) in in front of me because he was in the wrong lane for B & Q and when I was walking round he came up to me and said thanks for letting him in. Do you reckon that was a chat-up line. :-)
Hope all husbands are doing well and their biddy-wives are getting some rest in between their 'care-taking'.
And everyone else have a good day.
My tum is rumbling so think I'll go a do some lunch.
Later 'gater(s)
Have just eaten a cheese toastie from one of those toastie bags (£1 shop for two( and they are really tasty.
Tonight we are going to a street fiesta where we all pay 10e and you walk along the street taking nibbles from every restaurant and stall, until you reach the end. It's an eclectic mix of Spanish, French, English and Indian food, looking forward to not cooking and hoping I get enough to eat.
Morning..oops, a'noon...all. Where did the morning go? Hope you all + husbands are toddling along well.
Bright 'n breezy & not quite so cold but I bet the sparrows in the birdbath were a bit chilly just now. Hmmm, thought there was going to be snow this week?...wrong! Bewick's swans arrive early = severe winter? Well not necessarily so. On autumn watch last night they said it might be that they were flying away from severe weather (which is what I'd said to someone this week), so I'll trust common sense & the bird experts & hope for the best.
Ok, as you were, back to de-cluttering...I've lost interest already, haha. I'll do it one Sunday next week :o)
oh neti, there was no lie-in, never is...and I had a sales call at 8.25 just as I'd got out of the shower feeling achey & despondent, grrrrrrrrrrr!!! The woman was struggling with my name & trying to tell me who she was & could she ask me some questions. I told her I had an appointment [not] & she said she'd be as quick as possible... this alone had taken her about 5 mins so she'd got no chance of asking me anything! grrrrrrrrr again. I didn't dare come in here until I'd calmed down.
...and yes Jude, you were in there! You should have asked him if he knew anything about your 'diy problem', they love it if they think they're telling you something. So easily fooled, lol
Under normal circs, if the phone rings and I don't want to answer it, i let the answerphone pick it up. This dates from when DH was still at work and got calls ALL the we started the no phonecalls during meals rule and it just developed from there.
I don't answer the door if I don't feel like it either and my lounge is in full view of the front door, I just stand there with the dogs.
oh pee po belly bum...Talk talk - "We are in the process of transferring the Tiscali email pages to the new TalkTalk email pages...mumble ...apology...we are working to resolve this as a priority and the move will be completed by October 31st.
What??! Not what a biddy needs at this time of year, time to find someone new I think...good job the email I use for official stuff is still working.
Robi, why don't you get sky? My sis only pays £25 a month and she gets broadband, free phones calls (even to Spain) and Sky TV, seems like a good bargain to me. My other sis was on tiscali and they are changing to sky now.
Have sorted the clothes in the shed (more like a warehouse), and have another bag for charity shop and another bag for the rubbish. Well pleased. Daughter is whingeing that I (!) can't find her new white jacket, so she's obviously left it somewhere else.
Have just put on my tracksuit as it's getting chilly.
pah! dropped below 20C has it sweti? <goes to check>...22C! we're 10 degrees below that & the wind has made it feel very chilly out of the sun.
Yes that sounds like a good deal with Sky, I don't watch an awful lot of tele but winter's here I suppose. It might be cheaper to buy a good pr of binoculars, the people just down from me on the opposite side never draw their curtains & I can see their tele:o)
Well it's been a Pee Bo Belly day here literally .Had to hustle Mr S to the DVT clinic earlier with pain in his calf where they shoved a needleful of anti coag in his belly .On Monday at the ungodly hour of 8.30 am he's got to have an ultra sound.Tomorrow and Sunday I get to inject him .That should be fun .I'm cack handed at the best of times :)
He had his clips out this morning but still has to have his nether regions dressed .
Not a bad day here ,bright and sunny but chilly wind .
Hope everyone is OK apart from any complaints ( which I hope are small ones) lost luggage and scaffolding .Glad to see Mr Woofy is still doing well.
Time for a cuppa and a large slice of something really ,really sweet I think .
Keep calm and carry on xxx
Wow get to terrorise your DH with sharp implements!!! how cool is that!!!
No I am joking, I hoped it would make you smile. These alarms at home really do take it out of you. Its a good job he has you to look after him.
DH over did it a bit yesterday and the day before and has spent most of today asleep, got up about an hour ago but touching wood, he looks well on it.
Take care all