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Robinia | 11:16 Mon 16th Apr 2007 | Animals & Nature
587 Answers
Does anyone happen to know what kind of moth this is please, without my having to trawl through hundreds of pics?
It's not really vital that I find out, I'm just curious. Maybe it's something really common...and no, it didn't fly out of my purse. :o)


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Oh shaney, a few hiccups are to be expected. Fancy having to inject him, I just couldn't do it, hate needles, is it intermuscular, I mean they are not letting you loose on a vein are they? Hope he is feeling alright though and too bad.

Same goes for Mr woofy, bless him, hope he is feeling well.

Yes robi, you get sky and then I can tell you what progs to record onto dvd for me! :-))
Yes I know we have sky but only a 1metre dish so cannot get BBC, or iTV or lots of other progs!
byw, any of you see Ladies of Letters, getting really stupid now, I liked it at first.
Haha Woofy .....come into my parlour said the spider to the fly .....

No Neti they haven't let me loose on veins yet :)
I have to pinch an inch round his belly and shove the needle in .

Yes ladies of Letters is really silly now .I don't watch it any more .

I was also really disappointed with the latest Kathy Reichs book which I got from the library .
I struggled about a third of the way through it and gave up .I've liked all her books so far but this was awful. I got fed up with reading acronyms for various US federal ,medical and military establishments and a plot that was really stupid .
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I can't get warm tonight...
No shaney no mail, I expect they'll all turn up on 31st Oct along with jno's camera...I'll take a photo of me in my halloween outfit with it before I send it to her, hope it's insured. :o)

I didn't feel like cooking so I decided to have good old chs on tst....and I burnt the bloomin toast, haha. I blame that phone sales woman, she put everything out of order today. I wonder what can go wrong with a slice of chocolate cake? I could drop it & have Chas lick it? :o)

Glad it's not just me, I did say ages ago that Ladies-o-L had gone daft, I don't watch it any more.

Don't worry about Mr S, it looks like shaney's been practising

I know it's not funny shaney but we've got to keep you smiling. I'm sorry to hear he's had a bad day, hope it's not knocked his confidence.
I have not deserted you, have just been very busy and not at home but just had to call in and say goodnight and hopefully later tomorrow I can relax a bit and start communicating again.

My friend has in fact had a heart attack and I will be going off the hospital tomorrow to visit her. Today I was mystery shopping and being a lady who lunches and has coffee (in the Hoste Arms at Burnham Market which is very posh and usually full of celebrities!!)

Neighbour is playing up again and have had to had lots of conversations with solicitor again!

Shaney thanks for the mail, will settle down over the weekend to write to you. Take care of yourself won't you. Sorry Mr Shaney has got a further problem. xxxx
glad you found out what was wrong with your friend, even if not a very pleasant situation, Lottie.

I also had lunch at a nice Turkish restaurant, with an old friend, and we then went out looking at suitcases (to replace the one the hotel generously donated away). Rain due tomorrow, and restricted trains, so will probably spend the weekend titivating photos.
good morning all. persistently persisting down here which magically stopped as i let the dogs out of the car and started again as we were driving home...Somebody loves us!
Hope Mr S calf is less painful today and watch what you are doing with the needle.

Robi I hope you are warmer now. Cinnamon and/or ginger and/or nutmeg taken in any form but especially in a hot drink can help.
arrrr , cold and wet here too, what's the point of living in the south if you can't lie out in the sun all year round? Shaney, I hope you're dressed for the job
Weather wise it's warm and sunny, daughter wise it's very chilly!
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Morning...we're moving are we, it was almost impossible to get the page up last night so I gave up...and I did notice a band of trolls out there. What's the collective name for trolls? (no, it's not a cb, lol)

It's brightened up for the moment but still in single figures so I'm not going out to play, I finally warmed up about 10pm last night. I love all those spices woofy, I'll give them a try. Might catch up on some sleep later, I had a bad night last night. (& it hammered down with rain).
When I did sleep I dreamt I came to visit you for the day shaney! You lived in a small cottage in the middle of nowhere & I was terrified as I had to walk along a deserted lane to get to I was a great feeling, I haven't run for years, lol. The place was a tip...sorry!...and there were piles of dirty laundry all over the kitchen - & loads of popsocks, haha, & I was thinking 'well she certainly never came across as slovenly' (are you reading this shaney?) You were sitting in a chair reading magazines until later in the day when a lot of people arrived & miraculously (cos there wasn't a clear inch in the kitchen) you produced piles of party food on plates. Mr s was there - he was fine & very young! - but he kept going into the other rooms & falling asleep. Despite the chaos I had a lovey day thank you! :o) Oh lordy, where does it come from? Must have been the chs on tst.
bumped into the woman next door last night; she politely mentioned that she'd been removing the national collection of moss that grows down our side of our shared side path (our side doesn't go anywhere so we never use it but her side goes to her main entrance), and she hoped we didn't mind. I blushed at the implication (100% correct) that we don't keep our property tidy and in penance have been out all morning trimming our trees that go miles over her side of the fence.
Lucky her jno, the neighbour with which I share my camino (lane) deliberately allows his bourganvilla to grow onto the path and all the grass and weeds to overflow, I remind him occasionally that he should do as I have done it 12 yrs. This is the neighbour who tried to take the land as his. He absolutely hates us with a passion cos mum took him to court, who told him to behave and that the camino was for ambulances etc and not his. All these people after my scraggy bit of terrano, I would understand it if there was oil there!!!!!
Afternoon lepidopterae. Been catching your every word but I'm just so exhausted, haven't been able to string two words together. Don't know for how long this will be going on, they don't seem to know, themselves, what the extent of the damage is. I can't sleep at night and sleeping during daytime at the library is not all that easy, they don't seem to have taken that into consideration when furnishing the place... Maybe I should spend my days haunting the shop of my friend who sells futons. I could be a mystery sleeper.

Collective noun for trolls well if it's not a trolley then maybe it's the same as the third one for toads here ...? Robi half of the things in the cupboard under your sink are like Greek to me but I did get the part where you said you would be cleaning Vinny's awkward little places with a toothbrush - must be why he hasn't been around lately;-)

Yes Jude my magnets were much smaller than any kind of coin, in fact they were so small it was all I could do to handle them when I removed them. My sister was curious and wanted me to send her one just to see what it looked like and I remember I had to concentrate on not losing it!

Snow effin' snow, I hate it so much as for me it equals fear. I've resigned to wearing crampons this winter but they, on the other hand, are VERY slippery on stone. Better get myself one of those I didn't slip I was just testing gravity-badges.

Happy to know that all husbands are doing reasonably well, all things considered. You're brave to do the injections Shaney. That should teach him what happens when he grumps at you;-) Lottie good thing you'll be allowed to visit your friend.

I see the Chelsea Hotel (New York) is fo
(cont.) I see the Chelsea Hotel (New York) is for sale. I want it.
The street fiesta was a total con this year, the restaurants didn't want to shut up and lose business, so they all contributed things, ie omelette, pate, grot in general, and for 10€ one got a red tray with bits and bobs and one drink, in an erected marquee, soo we trotted off to the all- you -can -eat chinese again and although it cost a bit more, it was wonderful, I just love sushi, sushi and more sushi, sticky ribs and peking duck, couldn't stop eating. I did notice the waiters were clocking me and am wondering if they will shut the door next time I try to eat there!!!!
Hello Neti, I may or may not have mislead you regarding the scent I recommended for you, Eau de Patou. It says on some sites it has been discontinued but then again on other sites they still sell it but there's a waiting list. So I don't know. If you fail to get your hands on a bottle I guess you're just gonna have to run nude through a citrus orchard with a sprinkler going instead, lol - cos that's what one of the reviewers here says that the fragrance reminds her of in the summer http://www.basenotes....10211845/reviews.html
Will have a look on Monday, sounds right up my street!
don't you hate when that happens Neti....self defeating too because folk won't go back. Its coooold here and my poor old hands are cracking up :-(
Afternoon each. Derby have just lost booo hooo! They were on a good streak too.
Good to hear from you Kit. what a pain it must all be for you. I think I said that before so it must be what I think everytime you tell us about it all. Let's hope it does get sorted soon.
I have to say Robi I didn't hear the rain last night though umbrella was used this morning when I walked to my Sisters for my cuppa and it was cold. When I came back I had chunky chips bacon and beans to cheer myself up. A lot of fat I know but I don't do it very often.
Hope all of you are having a decent weekend. Shaney & Woofy keep up the good work with your other halves. I hope they are doing alright. Don't forget to look after yourselves as well.
I went to the cosmetics party and bought a mascara, I just knew I would as I can't resist the stuff. My eyelashes are terrible. when I had the squint op when I was young they cut them off and they never grew curly again so you can see why I have this thing about it.
Off for my tea now. Have a peaceful rest of the weekend.
See yer later 'gater(s)

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