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chicken police

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swedeheart | 15:10 Wed 04th Feb 2009 | Animals & Nature
510 Answers
Afternoon, animal lovers. I don't have any animals anymore but lov'em and often watch all sorts of animal clips on YouTube. This one featuring the chicken police really intrigued me - is there anyone among you that could come up with a theory as to why two fighting rabbits should annoy the roosters to such a degree??

The second video is just a bonus for you cat lovers, no question attached, although if any of you have your own little roomba driver at home, do tell!


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♥♥♥♥ to you all !! you're a clever lot .Hope your toothache (bleeding I mean)is getting better Robi .Love those plants Vinny wish I could get them but then I'd need a nice healthy young gardener to put them in for me .We are well past gardening now ,the weather is too hot anyway .More later CSI Miami is on xxx
magic ole record.eres another one.
"Save the Planet"its the only one with Beer...()√ⅰииㄚ (:◊) ☮
Hello Dolly..:O)
Ha ha my mac does apples!
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*enter frozen Swede with Appenzeller on her breath* (Shaney will know.)

More like apple seeds Woofy!

Loved the George McCrae comment "Those were the days you could wear your shirt open and didn't need a six pack!" ha ha ha ha!

Well I've told my plants* to kiss the sun goodbye. The curtains are drawn and I've put my lovely wooden screen in front of the window in my attempts to block the ventilation gale. I hate hate hate being cold. Don't much like placing the screen there, I fear the heat from the radiator isn't good for the wood. Anyone like Gustav Klimt, I don't, but I fell in love with this relief cut screen oh say 15 years ago and it's been with me ever since. It's a Chinese take on his painting Fulfilment, you can see some of it in the background here The woman's eyelashes too are cut in relief - and one of them's missing...! No it hasn't fallen off, it's cut that way intentionally. What a mystery. Wonder what that's symbolical of, if anything, in China? Jno where are you when we need you! (Not that we don't always!)

*initially made a typo here and put 'pants' instead of 'plants'... ha ha... well that's true too... =:O
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This is the original painting but I can't tell whether or not she's got all her eyelashes...
Hi Dolly!

Klimt isn't my thing fact this is the painting that sums me up perfectly right now
Why the hell do fluffing van men wait until the afternoon to tell you they ain't gonna make it when he could have told me first thing this morning, (I know that for a fact), rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrroarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!

oooh, I love that Redbone song (you weren't referring to me were ya Vincent?) and I'm going to play it so loud that Sweedie will hear it through her ventilator... followed by a good selection of head bangers - 'cept I'll just be nodding gently:o) -
btw Vin, I know you're not going to get the plants til later but March's still way to early for us to put them outside up here in the frozen north...usually August's about right.....and back in again in September :o)
Love those songs Vinny, they bring back such good memories!!!!
♥ - just because I can !!!
Evening everybiddy and Vincent. Hope you managed your choc/cup cake sounded lovely with acres of cream. This is me trying to be all nonchalent and not caring how many cakes, trifles, biscuits, cream teas, tiramisus, sponge puddings and custard you eat. I'm happy with me creme fraiche and fruit and yoghurt.
Hope you've all had a good day and Hi Dolly I wish we could have half of your warm weather it's been cold and dull today but I've managed to get out for a walk after I had been to the school reading session. I'm getting into it now and enjoying seeing the children.
Shaney it's UC tonight have you been watching it lately? I've not been scoring very high. I reck the questions are getting harder and harder.
Have a good night see you tomorrer begorrer!
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Tiramisu!! Who said tiramisu!! I'm almost sure I heard the word tiramisu!!!!
<tips a bowl of soggy cereal all over their heads>
OOOps sorry Robi. I wasn't aiming at you. He knows who it is Ha Ha!!!

Goodnight All.xx
Question Author
Better behave Jude - she does look grumpy tonight the stick woman does!

Woofy it occured to me your apples might look like apples on your screen, in which case you'll wonder what I meant. These are your apples on Firefox

Been revisiting Dr Hook on YouTube and other sites - the witch queen song reminded me of *their* Marie Laveau song. Turns out my teenage crush Dennis Locorriere now lives in the UK. Why have you all been keeping this a secret from me!! I suspect he's had his eyelids done though:( Makes me nervous, that look of constant alert, ha ha! And he seems to have an awful lot of teeth these days, he he he, more than I remember him having ever before...! Still...
on the Mac (safari) it looks like apples, on the PC (explorer) it looks like seeds!!
Painting man was here yesterday and here till monday now (not the weekend) so its back to getting up early and keeping out of the way.
Morning tout...bit chilly around my parts

woofy's apples are □□□□□□'s on my screen...square apples? how ridicu....oh well,

You've set me off now, I might make an apple sponge with lashings of non lumpy custard (cos it'll be out of a tin, heee, I love that ambrosia) I think I'll be okay with that as long as I cut all the core & pips out :o)

I dreamt about 2 robins last night - they're supposed to represent new it'll be begin & beginagin then....
I think we know a song about that... ♪♫Poor old Michael Finnegan...♫♪
Yo skin sisters...(and jude):O)
bloomin eck..its got chilly again..its them scandi-navians fault yer know..!well to be precise its kips fault.hehe..!
I know what you mean robinia..I went up north years ago and they all had plastic flowers in there gardens they did....(better do a runner before the durby linch-mob get me)
(:O)...()√ⅰииㄚ (:◊) ☮
the first one dont work...*********s..(:O)
Morning head bangers
The sun ( that yellow thing in the sky) is actually shining this morning .I thought it had gone never to be again ,although it is very cold and getting colder according to the weather gnomes.
Hope you are all OK .Nothing doing at Shaneytowers .Same old on different days .
Had a cortisone jab in my knee yesterday .It feels a bit heavy and peculiar but I expect it will wear off .If it gives me a pain free period and I can walk without wincing then I shall be happy .
Yes I have been watching UC Jude and my scores on the doors have dropped drastically .I suppose it is getting harder now as they are whittling them down for the finals.Mind you I got all the royals in the picture round correct !
Where's Jno gone this time ? There can't be many places left :) Bon Voyage anyway .
Well I'd better go and dice a few carrots ..Scotch broth today ...see you later ..take care all.

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