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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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or is it my pc? Never known it to run quite as slow as this!
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I do not know who he is, other than a very, helpful contributor to the AB site (normally in the "Quizzes & Puzzles" section), but please re-instate him immediately.
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Could you please tell me why when I give an answer to a question it dose'nt come up on the post. It also happened a few times yesterday. Thank You. Val.
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AB Editor
Has anyone noticed the pinky pod to the right updating itself every 10 seconds? Yes, we have put it on purpose. Do you like it at all?
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dear ab team, how about an automatic 1 day ban for anyon who has more than, say 5 posts moved or reported? i wonder if this would stop people willfully making my blood boil when they know they are in...
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ok so the idea is if we post so many times in so many minutes we get an automated suspension of our IDs and then when the ed checks the suspend list it gets reinstated. We are supposed to get a...
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brian j john
cannot get on ab sports is it down i keep getting error/application mesage , is it down or what ?
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How do you download pictures/songs on AB Any tips are welcome thank you all xx
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I can't access the sports section, just get an error message. Is it only me or is there a problem>
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Could we please have a list of key words that pops up when we post a question, that would give at least some indication that the question we are posting is within the auspices of the topic. i do feel...
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You moved my question regarding 'Secret Millionaire' from B&S to Society and Cuilture so it would get more answers and I've had one. I think I know best what category I want to put my question in so...
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Thanks Ed! I like the new feature ~ Recent Posts ~ Cheers!
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I'm eager to red up on any answers i get regarding my other question but noticed i don't receive any emails when someone answers... is this the new way things happen on here now? Thanks
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There has been a lot of talk lately on the sudden removal of questions. This hasn't affected me personall. Today however I posted a question:
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Can I suggest a green section (other than A&N/Environment), as it is a topical issue? After watching Dick Strawbridge last night I decided I wanted to run my wife's Rangey on biodiesel. Having looked...
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Can any one please tell .me why I can't answer a question.I've answered two and submitted,but it dosen't come up.Thank You. Val.
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May I suggest a poll to see how ABers rate AB and AB staff please?
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is there a group of people in an office or is it a one man job?
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Dont want to be picky here but erm with being homeless one of the options I hardly think "No way, those are the easy ways out of a problem." is very appropriate obviously written by someone who has...
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Can anyone (preferrably an AB Editor) please tell me why this question has been banned? In over 700 posts I have had about 4 questions removed none of which I can't understand. They have not contained...

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