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FredPuli43 | 11:52 Thu 26th Jun 2014 | Site Suggestions
3654 Answers
Ed. Good luck with the one that says posts should be on the topic ! We do tend to wander (or is that wonder; never know which is which) on here!


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-- answer removed --
12:46 Fri 15th Jun 2012
spoiler alert!!!! look away now if you don't want to see the score of the match but there weren't any goals
Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!
Sweetcorn :

Feed it one colonel at a time to your BF - he will soon be gagging for more
I'm a WW2 veteran.................anyone want to listen to my stories?
I live above a star but don't burn, I have 11 neighbours they don't turn, my initials are P Q R and sometimes S What am I?
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awww don't mind them they are just trying to wind you up don't let them get away with it we like you...
Triggs, we've all asked the Ed to delete your account.
Sunny-Dave is that a Lieutenant-Colonel or a full Colonel of sweetcorn???
I'm going. No I really am. Right now. No don't try and stop me. Really don't because I won't be back. Ever. Til next time anyway. No there won't be a next time. Well there might. No I'm definitley off now.



Oh alright then, I'll stay.
It's a major decision ....
In General yes....
The pellet with the poison's in the the vessel with the pestle; the chalice from the palace has the brew that is true!
-- answer removed --
true blue baby i love you

in view, a humble Vaudevillian Veteran, cast Vicariously as both Victim and Villain by the Vicissitudes of Fate. This Visage, no mere Veneer of Vanity, is a Vestige of the Vox populi, now Vacant, Vanished. However, this Valorous Visitation of a bygone Vexation stands Vivified, and has Vowed to Vanquish these Venal and Virulent Vermin Vanguarding Vice and Vouchsafing the Violently Vicious and Voracious Violation of Volition!

The only Verdict is Vengeance-- a Vendetta, held as a Votive-- not in Vain, for the Value and Veracity of such shall one day Vindicate the Vigilant and the Virtuous. [ Chuckling]

Verily, this Vichyssoise of Verbiage Veers most Verbose, so let me simply add that it's my Very good honor to meet you, and you may call me V.
I bet you wish you had one this size.
Well that's nice for June................the rain is lashing down, the road looks like a river, and it's thundering...............should I hang the washing out?
V good Rowan

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