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FredPuli43 | 11:52 Thu 26th Jun 2014 | Site Suggestions
3654 Answers
Ed. Good luck with the one that says posts should be on the topic ! We do tend to wander (or is that wonder; never know which is which) on here!


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12:46 Fri 15th Jun 2012
What was this thread about? I've forgotten.
Wahts the answer to 2 down? And 4 across. And 6 down. And 27 across. I said " I suppose your Dad's got two of these" and he said "No, but he's got one twice as big"!
did fred expect 380+ posts?
Oh, and 1 across, 3 acroos, 14 across and 9 down
Tell you what, why dont yougive me all the answers. Itll save me a lot of typing.
careful rowan, moonie might be watching.
Chuck....Never mind the conundrums...the Ed is waiting for you to respond to him...see page 14 of this thread. I have to told him that you already have...see page 17.

Between you and me Chuck I think he has been doing too much biking.!!

It really winds me up when people can't be bothered to come back on a thread and say thank you
Arch angel Gabriel.
so you divide the sum by 3.142 and round up to the nearest € ...

... viola !!
I bought something on ebay for 99p which the seller refuses to deliver yesterday, by carrier pidgeon, in a Tiffany's box - can I open a dispute, leave negative feedback and bombard the seller with emails threatening legal action?
Thank you!
"Chuck....Never mind the conundrums...the Ed is waiting for you to respond to him...see page 14 of this thread. I have to told him that you already have...see page 17. "

Hmmm, there appears to be no question in travel, and the one in tech has been quiet for ages.
Could we have a list of all those banned and suspended to stop alll the questions about where has x gone
a: Yes

b: Yes

c: Possibly

d: Only between consenting adults in Tamworth
What do you mean there's no such thing as God?
ford prefect

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