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gessoo | 18:07 Fri 16th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
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It might be a good idea, Ed if at the top of the Chatterbank questions there is a note from you explaining the situation in a pink box so that people are not left wondering what on earth has happened.


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...gessoo, if any bits fall off you that you don't want, please save them as I am always in need of spare parts
Cheers for the info jno - I love caves, etc., so interesting & spooky, although I don't know what I'd do if they had power cuts & no compressors! Mind you we always take our Magi Torches when we go abroad - just in case!
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Well, now we know what jno really looks like!!


Funny about the Church Bells Smudge. I have only met a few other people that feel like me about them. They make we want to put my fingers in my ears and fill me with gloom, yes - even at weddings! I never had a wedding as such, perhaps that is why!!

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Here you go then, jno!!


I didn't have a Church wedding either gesso - but we've been married 41 years all the same!
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We have been married 34 years Smudge. Got married in a registry office on a Monday in January. Me in a purple trouser suit and suede wedge boots!!! Went back home and had sandwiches and drinks. Very cheap!! Quite enjoyed it though. We were married in the year of power cuts and three day working weeks - good fun for newlyweds who can't afford central heating!!!! Got married quite close to where you live!

Yeah - you don't have to marry in a Church for it to last gesso!

We got married in September 1964 & were 'mods' then, ha, ha! I wore a size '8' pale blue boucle suit, with satin collar & cuffs, (which I still have in the loft), navy shoes & bag. Hubby wore a navy pinstripe suit 28" waist, (which he still has in the spare wardrobe) & a pale blue tab collared shirt - typical Beatle type! After the marriage, we went back to my sister Amy's house, had a light lunch & then fish a chip supper! We then went back to Mum & Dad's house & was reluctantly allowed to sleep in my bedroom together - even though I was 3 months pregnant! We lived there for a year, then moved to our first new home - bliss! The story continues.....

P.S. We got married in a Registery Office - on a Wednesday!
* Registry Office!
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And believe it or not my trouser suit was a size 10 and I was 5' 10" or thereabouts! Now I have shrunk to 5'8" and have widened!!!

Talking about widening, did anybody see the documentary on 4 last night about the 75st man!! It put us off eating our chocolate cake and I just had a plate of raspberries.

Also registry office 1975, olive green dress from Mates boutique - we wanted to wear jeans, but mum-in-law tried to stuff me into meringue dresses so I finally agreed to a yoke, tiered thing - still got it, patterned cotton, knee high boots which I had bought in Barcelona on the way to England and could not get off as the my calves were obviously bigger than Spanish peoples, and the boots were 2 sizes too big in the feet. We travelled from Ibiza on a Julia Bus all the way to Victoria coach station took 3 days (and no loo on bus) had to stop every three hours. Also got bus back to Ibiza as no money ahh bless.

Yes, we watched that programme too & it did make us gag on our satsumas!

I know some people do have health problems & are on medication that can cause weight gain too - but I do find it incredible how people ever manange to get that size! The mere thought of having to lay in bed all day & not being able to wash & shower properly.....would be my kind of hell!

Having said that, I'm now going to lay on the sofa with another glass of hot lemon & a cold remedy!
BUT - I am showered & dressed!
gessoo thank heavens your photo caught my good side...
That poor man ..and I think I have got worries at 13 stone and..I have to go to the ruddy dietician on Thursday !
I got married in a registry office.Two days after Christmas 1972. My dad had died that year and I didn't want a big do.
I had a long dress witha sort of psychedelic pattern on it . We had a buffet party afterwards in a local resataurant and it cost us about eighty quid for the whole event including booze!! Nowadays they spend thousands.
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He he, this is just what I would have worn and just what I looked like in 1972


Perhaps I should get dressed up like that again and see what MrG says. I used to make all my own clothes then and usually from weird curtain material!! Never would go out in the same thing twice. Those were the days!

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Nowadays Shaney, they seem to spend thousands and have their own children as bridesmaids, and then get divorced very quickly. Cynical aren't I. My friend spent a mere �12,000 on her daughter's wedding and then the young couple had nowhere to live, couldn't afford a flat and moved in with my friend into their small bungalow!

I am afraid I don't like big weddings at all. I am hoping my son will just creep away and get married in secret one day - the thought of having to dress up for a wedding fills me with dread. Like you, Neti, I wanted to get married in jeans, but compromised!

Upstairs again for another wee!

It's fun this reminiscing - this looks so much like me in the 60's - same hair & colour (although I'd never be seen in orange)!!

Anyone noticed the new topic - AB Editor's Blog under Suggestions?

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