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gessoo | 18:07 Fri 16th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
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It might be a good idea, Ed if at the top of the Chatterbank questions there is a note from you explaining the situation in a pink box so that people are not left wondering what on earth has happened.


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Up again - thank you for your kind wishes Robinia - I hope to feel much better tomorrow - have my little Izzy tomorrow morning, whilst Mummy Coggles is at the hospital.

Just taken a peep & yes CB's disappeared! We'd better watch out - we may be next! Hhhheeeellllpppp!

Just zooming in quickly as not much computer time today and even less this evening ! I spent this morning trying to get my crosswords finished. I am determined to win a prize at all costs !!
Get well soon all who are feeling under the weather.We don't want any sneezes and diseases or I will dose you all up with hot milk and suet !

Robinia..two of my nephews have been doing our family tree for ages ..Very interesting and they have gone back quite a long way.It is a time consuming hobby and can also be quite expensive paying for birth and death certificates etc and they charge you to look stuff up on the census etc.
Dothawkes is the one to ask about all this ..I think she knows how to start it all off.

I am off on a hunt round a country church tomorrow with my brother to look for a paternoster my Dad made whilst in the Merchant Navy.We gave it to the church to be put on display and it has never been seen since. The previous vicar says it must be in the church somewhere so we are going to look for it.You never know what else we may find !

Anyway have a good evening and see you all later.xx
oooohhh shaney, I hope you don't uncover any importunate skeletons in the family vaults... Cousin of mine traced our family back to the late 1600s in Hampshire (many of them are still there) but found that an ever-so-many-times-great granny may, it seems, have been pregnant by someone else when she married into the family name, meaning we would have no genetic connection with the bearers of the name before that. Doesn't really matter, of course, but does remove a bit of the family feeling we'd otherwise get looking at ancient graves with 'our' name on them.
Thanks shaneystar, glad you're finding it interesting. I think I'll let my sister get on with it & only tell me the good bits! In just the past couple of years I've unintentionally found out facts that have put a whole different slant on things that have occurred in my life. Oh, the hypocrisy & 'sweep it under the carpet' stuff in families!! I'm not sure whether I want to know any more! Our father's family name is very unusual so maybe that makes things simpler. As you say jno whatever happened before doesn't matter but then again .....
oh, it's finding out about the hypocrisy and the peccadillos that makes it all worthwhile Robinia - so much more interesting than having all your ancestors being virtuous shopkeepers. Australians these days are deeply disappointed if they can't find a proper transported convict in their family tree. I couldn't care less about an ancestor conceiving outside marriage; it just means I'm not necessarily a blood relation of the people I might have expected (and of course that I would then have no idea who my real ancestors are). But it's only speculation anyway - I think for genealogical purposes, all parents are married and all children legitimate unless there is very powerful proof to the contrary.

Good morning all, really busy at work at the mo, so little time to chat :-(

did everyone else have lovely weasther on Sunday? it was beautiful here and brought out all my snowdrops.

Hope that all the invalids are feeling better?

gotta go, dog is nagging me

Morning all - my sisters are also trying to do a Family Tree but we do have many skeletons on the cupboard very quite recent so I don't think they are going to get far. I blame the war!!!! Too many women helped too many Americans out. Why we may even be related to AB Ed. I'm not bothered what comes out being one born on the wrong side of the blanket as they would say in royal terms.

Morning All Hope all is right with your worlds. Not been on a great deal since Saturday but have read all your posts with interest and amusement as usual. - getting ready for my return to work tomorrow and going out for lunch with my sister today.

Talking of family trees - one of my cousins traced ours back quite a way.and apparently my great great grandparents were Irish and lived in Waterford. My great granddad was in the Indian Army and he and his wife had 13 children some of which were born in India, my Grandmother being one of them. They were my great aunts and uncles and I actually met 6 of them when I was young. It's all very interesting but I think it can be costly doing traces etc. And yes there are skeletons in our cupboards too!! :o)

Morning all, sister..did a lot of this years ago.But its very hard..My mother was born in wallsend(her family name was kelso),and my father's mother came from Barrow-in-furness.she met an american musician,who was in a glen miller type band touring europe.she got pregnant,and was sent down to Bournemouth to have my dad.And we still dont know to this day,my grandfathers real father was adopted and met my mother in bournemouth.They had both been put in childrens homes,(Dr Barnardos).so I may be your long lost relative ED..(:)
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Ha, ha Vinny - you must be the black sheep in our family noone talks about!!

My great grandfather was the first British sea captain to sail with a full chinese crew. He also discovered and plotted graphs etc of trade winds in the South China Sea. I have the full set of his naval references and up until recent years my mother had the trade wind graphs, but they have unfortunately gone missing. He ran away to sea and was disinherited from a family of very rich London physicians!! So unfortunately, the ancestors' money never will reach us!!!

My father traced his family tree back to Lord Lovatt!! Lordy got a servant girl Minnie Mott in the family way, so I owe my existence to Minnie and Lordy!!

My maternal grandfather was one of eight children and, as was often the case in thos days when money was tight, was going to be adopted by his uncle, a rich farmer from Lincolnshire. Unfortunately, the uncle murdered his wife in one of his barns and was hanged!! Granddad stayed with his brothers and sisters.

MrG's family come from Eastern Europe and it is near on impossible to trace his family tree.

hehe..gessoo...that was wonder netti done a runner to spain.Anybody in the mood for some miller music....(:)


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Sorry, forgot to say

Good morning all

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Interestingly jno, you're quite right. He shot her!!!

LOL at Neti's family reunion.

I can't find my glasses and am typing blind!! They broke yesterday, so I put them somewhere safe ready to take to the opticians this morning. Now I can't see to find them and the lense has fallen out of my spare pair!! Oh, woe is me.

morning all & thanks for sharing your interesting family history stories. You're right it must be so difficult when past family members have either not been married when it was always assumed they were or have changed or modified their surnames for some reason. I think the tv makes it look too easy - I'd imagine 'celebs' have more clout when it comes to quizzing people not to mention more money.

Do you ever look at people on the telly & feel some connection? (no, not the kind of feeling I have when I see Clive Owen) There are are a couple I'm sure we must be related to. The really bizarre thing is (years ago) I'd never mentioned anything to my sister and one day she called all excited to say there was someone on tv she'd been to school with (one of the very same people). She hadn't but she too has always been sure she knows him - spooky. No, I'm not telling you who they are - unless I have it confirmed.

Look at me waffling on - really must get things done....

hehe jno...


hahaha - lol at all the pictures!

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