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gessoo | 18:07 Fri 16th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
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It might be a good idea, Ed if at the top of the Chatterbank questions there is a note from you explaining the situation in a pink box so that people are not left wondering what on earth has happened.


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Hi there Dolly hope you feel better soon. I don't envy you the sunshine - I do enjoy the winter months.

Hello everyone hope you are all ok expecially you Dolly get well soon. Didn't get in until 12.45 am and then I watched Judge John Deed so I didn't get to bed til about 2.30 this am. so I've been running late all day. Anyway I sorted Polly the cat out and fed the birds at my son's place so that's the main job done. Not going out tonight.- 2 nights on the run is a bit much!! :o)

Just like Polly

Actually it's not quite like Polly as she doesn't have as much white on her but I liked the picture!!:o)

Evening each - just a quick visit.
Dolly glad you are up and about, it gets you down when it drags on doesn't it? Once a lurgy gets a hold of me it never wants to let go. It must be wearing when it's very hot and I know I couldn't cope in very high temps - an ideal for me is about 22 which is probably cool to you! We never get it perfect do we?

Jude, you stop-out! You'll have the neighbours talking....are they nice? Mine are all older (on this side of the street) but are lovely. I tell my friend opposite, who is a bit older than me, that one day we will be the cantankerous old bnggers round here one day! I'm almost there already some days.

thanks for the link shaneystar - will have a browse through that.

you're a dab hand with the piccies now Jude - I think Polly needs something to keep her warm when she's out on the tiles.....

cat walkmodel

Cool cat hat Robinia. I'm really getting into the piccies now aren't I. I really enjoy them.

Neighbours. One side Mum in her late 30s, rough diamond but a caring Mum and a good neighbour.Other side new just before Xmas but seem quite nice I would say they're in their 40's. They have young grandchildren. So really I'm the 'oldie' round here. It's quite quiet round here at the moment. The only troublesome family left about 6 months ago thank goodness.

Just a quick tip for that website can click on any pattern and it will enlarge it .Also they have a lot of the wool in close up so you can see what it's like knitted up.It's an easy website to use.

Sorry all just have to go to bed now so I'll say Goodnight until tomorrow.

Goodnight All!

Goodnight Jude and everyone else.. ..Sleep well.
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IAP !! You are naughty...mind you ..I am definitely ITCHY .with my horrid dry skin at the do not sleep well at the moment.!
Ladies don't SWEAT horses sweat,men perspire and ladies GLOW !! was I going to say ..!!
BITCHY and PSYCHO.....catch me when MR S. is having a tin tidying session !!
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Swift call in to catch up on messages and send you all lots of love. For those that are unwell

Keep on with that Diprobase Shaney. Glad you think it's OK. It also stops itching. Don't forget you can get it in huge containers for about �10.00 and use it anywhere and everywhere. I loved the knitting website Shaney and spent ages on there yesterday evening. Also got well into the BBC Food section - didn't realise just how good it was and you can print off all the lovely recipes!!!!

I try not to be online too much at weekends so I can spend more time with MrG. Hours can turn into whole days on BiddieBank.

See you tomorrow


Morning all - Jude it's nice when your neighbours are good. As either side of me they're in their 80s - but much fitter than me! - I do wonder what it might be like if and when somthing happens to them.

shaneystar - everytime I find a pattern I like I move on & find another one! Have to say though that as far as baby patterns go they've not really changed much in years have they? I've got some floppy old patterns of my mums that were 2d or 3d that would be fine for a baby now as they were then. I think the only thing that has changed is the way lots of baby cardies often had ribbon threaded round the neck & waist.
I'd like to do some of these shrugs that are very fashionable - keep me poor aching shoulders warm!

Pickle - that's brilliant. I can be most of those - all in the space of one hour. Especially the psycho -sometimes I'd just love to do that thing where you go around & sweep all the things off the shelves & throw them at the wall. It's only the thought of clearing it up that stops me.

gesso - I know what you mean. I've got to be more disciplined now that the dreary month of January's gone. My winter honeysuckle is flowering at last & smells fabulous - it's about a month late, sometimes it's bloomed for xmas.

Morning all
Hope everyone is well. Dull and dreary heer at the moment. Not quite so cold.
Glad you liked the knitting website.I have used them a lot and they are brilliant.I try to use my local shop as much as I can though but she doesn't stock all the new fashion yarns .My niece is always wanting me to knit her the latest thing.She now wants me to knit her a handbag of all things! I have just done her a bolero shrug type thing. I knit lots of socks on two needles which I give to a local charity.I do all this because it keeps my hands supple or they would seize up. I also do bedsocks for my elderly neighbour.

That cream is really good Gessoo.I had two nasty dry itchy patches on my back and they are practically gone and my hands are not so itchy. The aqueous cream is good too ..I have been washing with it and my skin seems to be improving.Hopefully they will get this thyroid medication right soon and things will get back to normal.

Robinia ..several years ago when I was going through the dreaded change I did exactly that and swept a whole load of stuff off the worktop and onto the floor. I then proceeded to break plates.Very scary .I can laugh now but at the time it was awful.

Well folks have a lovely Sunday and see you all later ..Take care xxxx

Oh heck - making a note to remove all breakables if shaneystar's having a bad day. I'm not sure what my excuse is now as I went through it over 15 yrs ago (due to chemo)....oh I know, it'll be because I'm going backwards & I must be at the adolescent stage - well in my head, body's certainly at the crumbly stage.

Robinia ..if you can get hold of a copy of this book
The designs are modern and up to date for little'uns.
Debbie Bliss is a top designer in the knitting world. I have seen her at the Knitting and Stitching show at the Ally Pally.
I have several of her books but unfortunately not the babies one.
Thanks shaney - I had to laugh at the Donkey jacket - I was expecting it to have little day-glow patches.....I have to say I really don't like things with 'ears' on do you? My two refused to wear them when they got to 16......
I know Robinia ..mine flatly refused to have their gloves sewn into their coats at that age !! I am not a fan of anything with ears or tails knitted into a design but those dear little jumpers in garter stitch are so sweet !
Another idea is to rake through Ebay ,there are often some lovely patterns on there and some good deals on wool.
The American websites have some gorgeous baby knits but unfortunately you have to go to the trouble of converting needle sizes and yarn weight. I think they are into knitting in a big way over there and some of the wool is to die for ! It's a dying art here ,which is a shame because it's a very rewarding relaxing hobby.Although I think it is enjoying something of a revival due to film stars and the like taking it up.There are several Stitch and Bitch groups now and I don't think it's looked on as a "grannies" type thing so much these days.There is a lady in Yorkshire who runs workshops and actually has some of her designs in the V&A. I have bought several patterns from her and although it's not baby stuff is very interesting if you are as fascinated by knitting and it's social history as I am.It's all about mathematical knitting.
As geography was never my best subject..She lives in Lancashire ..not Yorkshire !!

shaney I've sat here and laughed until my sides ache at 'Stitch and Bitch' and 'Woolly Thoughts' could be whole new category for AB! ..... And here is today's woolly thought......hahahaha.....all of my thoughts are woolly. You do realise Vinny is going to get some mileage out of that? You're right tho' it's a shame it lost it's popularity.
I didn't want to chat in the dog/vacuum cleaner thread but I saw your reply before & after mine I was going to say that charlie is fine with the brush but he runs & hides when he sees the crevice nozzle....hehe...

I've been studying seed catalogues - I'd like to grow some fancier bedding/container plants than you get in the local places. Think I'm going to need an extra pair of hands this year.....

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